WA and a few of my thoughts.
I get very caught up with returning comments on blogs and posts , this is to the detriment of my site but on the other hand I have made some very Good friends and I have learnt a lot from my buddies like learning how to save stuff and catch up reading it when I am in a less stressed type of environment, does anyone think that internet marketing is a race against time or is it a case of learning at your own speed and getting the training to sink in, I suppose it depends on how quickly you need to make a certain amount of money, I do not mind paying the premium subs every month because I feel I am learning and you have to pay for an education for your specific needs but I do want to start getting a few pounds generated in about a years time because otherwise I would have wasted the WA education so it all comes down to little old me and how I manage my time and like LizPB when something clicks then wow what a feeling.
Recent Comments
Hi Gary, I agree - The WA community is compelling. Every day there are a lot of emails and I sort through them and answer some. I think it's important to do this, but I put a time limit on it. No more than 20% of my time is devoted to this. The other 80% must be spent on writing, building, training, advertising, and all activities that bring traffic to build customer base and sales. I'll tell you how bad I want this. A close friend wanted me to join a local golf league and spend some additional time testing some local courses. I estimate that these activities would cost $200 to $300 per month. I said no maybe next year. This year I'm taking the money equivalent and use it to build my business. Dave
There it is again that "time management" thing unfortunately something I really suck at. I have way too many things going on at one time right now and it's just hard to even decide which one I should be working on but I really hope that I will be able to get much batter at time management so I can achieve a lot and do them well rather than doing a so-so job on everything. It's hard to balance all this stuff.
But you must add to your knowledge, application and application,perseverance. Too much time spent around giving each other ataboys and encouragement will not even pay the WA bil, let alone the light bill. You gotta pace yourself and manage your time.
But I love reading most of the great posts here. So much to learn from also.