Having an Online Presence - Good or Bad
So you have an online presence, your name is typed into a google search engine and whalaa, there you are, a little personal history, organizations and social media's you joined, good and bad things you are involved in or done, how does this impact your life, good or bad ?
I suppose it depends on what kind of personality you have, deeds you have done, outlook on life social status etc. Here I can only give my opinion and thoughts as I experienced 1st hand, so I am not putting words into mouths of others but highlighting my opinion.
I always say, the life you live is the legacy you will leave behind, let's face it, we are not immortal and the day will come when we have to say goodbye to this world, how will we be remembered. This is a thought I live my whole life with in the forefront of my memory, not that I care too much about other's opinion of me, but I care about how I will be remembered.
The good thing about an online presence is the speed at which one is able to communicate worldwide on various platforms, whether it be for business or pleasure, or even highlighting the plight of others. Long lost friends or family can track you down and get in touch once again, we hear of so many heart-warming stories. How easily we can rally each other to a good cause and making a difference to so many lives due to our caring for others near and far.
Also, on the good side, we do not have to put ourselves in harms way when needing to perform fundamental tasks, such as we are experiencing during this devastating Covid 19 Worldwide Pandemic, online ordering, working from home, communication and entertainment.
The bad things about an online presence is there are a small percentage of deliberate and malicious individuals who thrive on preying on the naive, desperate and inexperienced by means of scams, hacking and other adverse online activities. Also, when you are a generally bad person doing bad things thinking it goes unnoticed by most.
Also, bad is when we supposedly lose our privacy when we have an online presence, now here I will step on many toes, but what the heck I've come so far. No one in their sober minds will create an online presence without thinking they will remain unnoticed and private, it is the modern age we live in, computers, cell phones etc. keeps us in the public eye. Why would anyone be scared of being spied on if they have nothing to hide.
The minute you leave your house you are in the public eye, unless you wear a great disguise.
So to sum up, I think the good outweighs the bad here, lots of us make a living online, communicate online and get entertained online, imagine a world without this great technology we have today, progress would be stunted, the old days were great but let's face it human nature is to progress and evolve, got you thinking hey !!!
Let's have your 2 cents worth,
All the best
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All I can say is that I'm SO VERY thankful FB and social media were not around when I was a teen!!!!!!!
Today is a different story -- I have no bad behavior to hide. lol
You just need to watch what you put on social media now. First, there are too many crazies and second, employers look but hopefully people here won't care about the second.
I have to agree, so much has changed since we were, well "young", but we seem to adapt to our environment when change happens, as for the crazies out there seems to be a few, but kept at arms length is the best way to handle them. My philosophy, be honest and outright, the truth always seems to prevail.
Hey Gary de la Cruz,
My name is Maxine Georges de la isla Santa Cruz. My experiences are based on how I live my life whether they are considered good or bad.
Many folks don't realize you have to take care as you climb the ladder to success because you will meet the same folks on the way back down, if you should fall.
The pandemic has created an offline masked presence which is a disguise in public. But, goodness can still shine through.
As for online, there you have a great opportunity to make yourself known by creating and sharing positivity.
Thank you, Gary, for sharing a great post.
Be safe out there.
Maxine I love your analogy, and you have an awesome handle
Maxine of the Island Santa Cruz, I love it, Wishing all great things bestowed upon your future.
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Thought provoking! I have a hard time understanding why people feel the need to display every detail of their lives on social media. Guess it’s just human nature. But, you are right Gary, there are good and bad aspects. It is a necessity in today’s world.
Thanks for your 2 cents Debby, we all priorities differently I suppose.