Using keywords while writing your posts.
I have to admit I do Not Use Jaaxy to check out my key words often enough. There aren't a lot of different key word changes associated with Painting. There are different kinds of painting. There are different things people like to paint. There are people looking to purchase paintings verses people wanting to learn how to paint. And there are different budgets for all media.
It seems like lately there are a multitude of issues with my site, so I can not even think about writting any thing about painting. And working on this website and my other website leaves no time to paint. On top of my other wife and Grand Mother resposibilities. I just seem to beat my head againt the wall looking for solutions to one problem then up crops another that messes it all up.
Right now my problem is my site map seems to have disappeared. I go to the site and it is blank. Do I try and find it? Do I resubmit the site map? I hate bothering the help center/tech support. And it always happens just before a week end. I have always had a hard time finding where it is at so I can plug some thing into it. Crazy.
I am also going to the classes and trying to find the class it was covered in. So I can run it threw my brain one more time.and must not be calling it by the right name, because I can not find it.
So here I sit, feelling bad. Wondering If it is time to call it quits. I love doing this when I get it right and all is going well. I feel proud that and old retired RN can manage a entire new line if thinking. But maybe I have gone about just as far as I can take it.

You read this yourself and let me know if a loonng vacation is due.
Recent Comments
Yes... Let sink for 10 days...
YOu can always change title and keywords, , , not touch
Ask sitesuport to restore your sitemap
Keep courage...
Beautiful paintings
It's never time to quit! Everything can be fixed and changed to make it work. Perhaps you need to zero in on a painting niche that is more focused. Not sure what type of painting you like or do, so maybe concentrate on that.
You can find a lot of answers by simply typing your question in at the top of your dashboard where the magnifying glass is.
But, just don't quit.
Sometimes we just need to step back and rest our minds. Rest a little, ask questions to other members to find the right answers and if you still don't feel the urge to continue, you can always come back later.
I give you all my positive strenght!