Sunday Stress Reducer: Chill out

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Anyone who knows me knows that I love animals, and cats in particular. I have two amazing moggies called Pepper and Whiskey, and at Christmas, we acquired two more almost identical kittens called Tweedles and Stitch for my two teenage girls. They are adorable... totally crazy, but adorable!

The purpose of this blog is just to remind everyone that there are many lessons to learn about life that we can learn from our furry and feathered friends, and today's Sunday Stress Reducer is one of them. It's about taking the time to chill out, recharge, and let the world pass you by sometimes.

There are times to be upbeat and motivated, and there are times to chill out and relax, and as humans, having a balance between the two is good for the soul. It reduces stress hormones, empties the proverbial 'stress bucket' and allows us to rejuvenate and even perhaps stop the 'noise' of the world for a while and listen in to our intuition.

All my cats are experts at chilling... in fact, one could be mistaken for thinking that this is all they do!! But that would underestimate the amazing life of a cat.

I've just returned home from collecting my daughter from her dance class and I as I sat down to write this blog, both of the kittens came and sat with me voluntarily, and I'm a very chilled and happy bunny right now!!

So perhaps today, we could all learn a lesson from our feline friends: to ease our stress and take a bit of time out, just to sit and be with the people we love.

Can't get much better than that surely?

Happy chilling.


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Recent Comments


Your kitties are beautiful, Gail! I’m a huge cat fan as well and always say we can learn a lot from our feline friends. My cat is also a chill out expert. Thanks for the sweet share!

Susan 🐈‍⬛

You're welcome.
Can't fault a cat in my opinion.
Have fun

Hi Gail,
It has been a while since we wrote to you—your advice to watch the habits of our furry felines is great. Sue and I have just, one to relieve stress. . His name is Keoni (Hawaiian for "God is Gracious")

Whenever I go into the bedroom where he sleeps much of the day. I look at him and get immediately sleepy. He is so gentle and affectionate.

Last thought: Cats can be and should be a great stress reliever.

Thanks for sharing

Bill & Sue

Hi again you two
So lovely to hear from old friends!
And glad to know you are cat lovers too.
I hope life is treating you both well.
Take care


Hi Gail,
Thanks for your return comment.

Oh yes, we love our kitty every cat on TV, in the street, or in someone's yard one of us will comment "Oh look there is a kitty."

Our guy is strictly a house cat. When we adopted him from the Animal League in Green Valley (AZ) years ago, one of the conditions was that he be kept indoors. We fully agreed since too many critters out there like adlers, coyotes, etc that aren't too friendly.

We will keep in contact.

Bill & Sue

Hi again.
Great to know you are looking after our lovely feline friends.
They are just such a comfort and joy.
Have a great Sunday.


I am always amazed when people so easily introduce new kitties to their homes with existing kitties.

I have 2 cats myself, they hate each other, and that is not a joke. I have tried so many things to get them to bond, and they just look at one another with disdain. They don't fight often, and so far not very seriously, no claws or teeth, just batting each other.

I wish they could get along, but I feel that after almost 3 years that is a lost cause in our tiny apartment. I feel we need more room for each cat to have their own territory.

Although, they both do know how to chill, just not in the same room lol.

I enjoyed your story very much, I too love animals a lot. I started my pet adopting career about 30 or more years ago. I have had dogs, cats, turtles, fish, snakes, hamsters, rats, mice, and lizards in my house. And many all at the same time, I am a bit touched lol.


Hi Stacie

Thanks for your reply - what a menagerie you had! I'd love to have some pygmy goats and a donkey or two but I'm not sure what our neighbours would say where I live! Oh well, that's on the dream board.

I introduced my kittens to the other two quite slowly and I have a big dog cage that they were put in whilst the established cats could get to know them for an hour or so. It seemed to work. Also, they were very small, so didn't pose much of a threat. Only time will tell as they get older, but fingers crossed.

Hope you have a fantastic week.


I've certainly never seen a cat who was stressed out about anything, Gail.

Isaiah 😁

Ha ha - how true!

You are right, Gail, and I will be chilling out watching the Super Bowl this evening!


Great - hope your team wins!

Haha, Gail! I do too!


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