My Progress So Far With WA Because Of My Limited Time To Accomplish It
After a few months from the day that I upgraded to a premium member, I made the decision to commit myself to watch at least one video and complete the task each day in the morning after work. Little by little I've putting all the pieces together. And now this is what I've accomplished so far: I have created my website by the name of, and I also have a Facebook page with the same name "How To Earn Money Online Without An Investment" I had to pay for FB adds to get my message out there in the world faster. To me as a beginner it really felt awesome to have my first two referrals with their account created already. I am looking forward to see in what they need help also and make them feel welcomed as WA also made me feel welcomed. Thanks so much to Weaalthy Affiliate for this opportunity once again. Sincerely, Frank
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How did you word or structure your facebook ads? Mine keep getting denied and I'm not sure why
There is a lot of info on this and I just decided to share the link with you Kevin. I hope it will be of good help to you. If not, search for your question on you tube I know there is someone out there with that type of information. I just don't want to mislead you
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Sounds like you are making progress! I am sure you will have lots of success int he future if you keep at it!
I appreciate your thoughts Amber. I am quite sure about that also and it doesn't matter how slow we go, as long as we don't stop doing it, every single step will make a difference. Thank you for your comment and support