Welcome To 7 Days Affiliate Bootcamp - Learn How To Earn Commission from your Bedroom

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Thank you for showing interest in my 7 Day Affiliate Bootcamp. First thing first make sure to whitelist this email:franck@thewealthyacademy.com to avoid my emails landing in your spam box.

I am here to help you make your first dollar online and build a stream of income with the internet.

By the way, my name is Franck Chanda I am a French speaker and I am also an Industrial Engineer.

But I have put my Industrial Engineering career to rest...

At the end of 2018, I was looking for a way to make money online and I found Wealthy Affiliate.

This platform opens my mind and shows me that Traditional Education is dead.

Since then I do not believe in Traditional Systems, Monetary Policy, Tax Systems and Debt Systems those things are made for the rich to get richer.

Do not try to open a Traditional Business or Focus on Traditional Education you will only be going to land in employment slavery and live paycheck to paycheck.

Focus on:

1) Financial Education
2) Personal Development
3) Self-discipline
4) Learn to accumulate Assets
5) And learn to build Passive Income Streams

There are tons of ways to become wealthy today, be it Internet Marketing, Forex Trading, Real Estate, Cryptocurrency, etc...

You won't be able to learn all these in school.

If you are struggling to live the life you deserve or struggling to make money at this age. You are either studied or just too egoistic.

I am sorry to tell you that... But It is the truth!

All I am asking now is to give me 2 to 3 hours per day for 7 days to mentor you on What you be going to be learning inside the Wealthy Affiliate platform.

Wealthy Affiliate is an online platform that offers a step by step training and tools to build a successful business online.

I will be guiding you to avoid many mistakes that newbies make and start making money faster with the internet.

COVID 19 shows us relying on one single income is very dangerous.

Millions of people lost their job overnight during the pandemic. I am here to show you how you can make money online from your bedroom using the internet.

Remember during lockdown some of us were working from home and others were connecting with friends and family using the internet.

We are a lucky generation. The internet has opened a door to many opportunities and you can reach almost everyone around the World.

Let's look at Uber.

Uber designed an app to connect drivers with riders. Restaurants with Eaters using the internet and Uber made $17,46 billion in 2021.

Uber does not own any car or restaurant yet they are making billion and the operate in approximately 72 countries and 10,500 cities.

All thanks to the internet...

In this 7 Day Affiliate Bootcamp, I will show you how to make money online without owning any products and earn affiliate commissions using your laptop and internet connection.

This is what Uber does they earn up to 30% commission from every rider who requests a ride and also 25 to 30% from every order people place at the restaurant using the Uber App.

You will learn how to design a revenue website that connects people from around the world with different products and earn up to 75% commission for every sale you make.

Before I show you what you will learn within the 7 days I want to let know I am a very honest PERSON and I do not want to waste your time.

I want to help you build WEALTH with the internet.

First of all, I want to let you know if this training is for you or not.

Is This Training For You?

I want to make sure that you are the right person for this training so you should not waste your time and my time.

This Training Is For You If...

  • You are looking for a reliable and 100% legitimate way to make money online and build a stream of income
  • You are willing to put in the effort and take action.
  • You want to achieve financial freedom.
  • You want to make some extra full time or part-time.
  • You're tired of your current job and you want more out of life.
  • You want to have the freedom to make money on the internet, work whenever you want and travel wherever you want.
  • You can follow simple steps and my guidance.
  • You want real support from real people to make money on the internet.

This Training IS NOT For You If...

  • You are looking for a "get-rich-quick-scheme" or a "push-button" to riches.
  • You are a quitter and you give up if you face the first setback.
  • You are not willing to take any action.
  • You can not commit or invest in long term success

I believe you understand now that this training is not for everyone. It's only for those who can commit to making REAL money online.

This is What you will learn within 7 days with me.

Day 1: You are here on Day 1 (Welcome to the training and If this is this for you)

Day 2: Find yourself and build your mindset for success

Day 3: Understand the foundation of making money online

Day 4: Choose a domain name that Google and other Search Engines love

Day 5: Get unlimited content ideas

Day 6: PROOF That This Really Works

Day 7: Big Secret to Make BIG Money Online

What Can You Expect From This Training?

  • You will learn the 4 PROVEN STEPS that help me and other members all over the world to make a full-time income online
  • Change your interest or your hobby into a profitable online business
  • Your life-changing journey to your financial freedom (NOTE! Only if you take action!)

Imagine making Commission between $1,000 to 10,000/month passive income after a year or two?

It is 100% possible and you can earn even more if you are willing to work hard and take action.

It only requires Time, Action and Persistence.

Before I leave you today. If you have not yet created an account with Wealthy Affiliate do it now by clicking the link below:

Click Here and Create Your FREE Account

Once you create your account, you have to fill out your profile by adding a profile picture and a short description of yourself.

Note: As Starter Member you will have access to the 10 FREE lessons and 1 website to kick start your online business.

I am going to mentor you and make it clear for you to understand the 10 lessons and also practise what you are learning with your website.

Then if you understand the process and you really like the business model.

You can also upgrade to Premium Membership which will cost you $49.00 per month.

Therefore, if you upgrade to Premium membership within 7 days you can get a HUGE DISCOUNT for the first month you can only pay $19.00.

But this does not have to be a burden to stop going to My 7 day Affiliate Bootcamp.

For now, let's forget about the premium membership just create your free account and let's start with the training.

Again you need to TAKE ACTION and COMMIT. This is VERY IMPORTANT if you want to succeed online.

Before I introduce you to the first training I have a question for you. Can You Commit to this training?

If your answer is YES then hold my hand and let's jump right into the training.

By Clicking this button below:

>>>Start Your Training Now<<<

Let's make this money my friend...

Create Your Free Wealthy Affiliate Account Today!
4-Steps to Success Class
One Profit Ready Website
Market Research & Analysis Tools
Millionaire Mentorship
Core “Business Start Up” Training

Recent Comments


Hello Frank, I don't know if it is just me but when I click on the link to begin your training, I am then taken to the home page where you sign-up\log in. It seems I am unable to take your 7-day boot camp. Please help!

Straight to the point.

Very nicely laid out!

Great post. This will help everyone to better understand how they can really make money with affiliate marketing. The exciting part of this business is the passive income.
Thank you for sharing!

Spot on, clear concise post. Thank you Frank for posting

Create Your Free Wealthy Affiliate Account Today!
4-Steps to Success Class
One Profit Ready Website
Market Research & Analysis Tools
Millionaire Mentorship
Core “Business Start Up” Training