So excited to be a WA Full Premium Member

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It has taken me two and a half weeks to finally decide to be a WA premium member after doing extensive research on whether it is a scam or not. I have been scammed before and I had actually given up on making money online. But I think this was mostly contributed by my 9-5 job I had that was bringing in little income for me unitl a few months ago when I decided call it quits.

I am married and I have three children. I live in Africa, in Rwanda to be particular, a third world country where 63% of the population are living under $1 per day. The rate of unemployment is extremely high and so many people were deprived of basic human needs, including food, safe drinking water, sanitation facilities, health, shelter, education and information. We are detached from the rest of the world and we are always trying to make ends meet.

Genocide against Tutsi

A few years ago I witnessed the worst, most swift and most brutal crime of the 21st Century in the form of the Genocide agains't the Tutsi in Rwanda. It was a blow to many of us to loose our beloved ones and literally loose the entire country. Twenty four years later we are still discovering mass graves but a lot has been achieved. Economic growth has exceeded 8% per annum. Investment is flowing into Rwanda – it has nearly tripled since 2005 – and investors are made welcome. Even without many natural resources, the country is economically vibrant.

In little over five years more than a million Rwandans have lifted themselves out of poverty. The proportion of children dying before their fifth birthday has more than halved, and when they reach seven years old, they can nearly all go to school. 98% of the population is covered by health insurance, and malaria deaths have fallen more than 85% since 2005. Crime is very low. Women can walk the street at night safe.

Rwandans are increasingly united. There is a strong patriotism and belief in the government – almost nine in 10 say they "trust in the leadership of their country". We can never forget our tragic past but we do not want to be defined by it. The older generation already know all too well the cost of failure, but a majority of the population, born post-genocide, have inherited the possibility of a different future.

We should remember the lives that were lost. We should recognise that this the strong leadership undertook, and continues to undertake, a historic exercise in nation-building, and seek to understand the choices the country has made. And we should stand with them as they write the next chapter in their history.

My Journey to financial freedom begins

Due to the peace and traquility that my country has now I can't hold back my urge to enjoy it and benefit from. Now I am able to access cheap and fast internet due to a national fiber optic infrastructure that has been laid all around the country. A few online busisneses have been sprouting up and it now takes less that six hours to register and start a business in Rwanda.

When I left my 9-5 job I registered my business Boss Cow Ltd which is more specialised in ICT related services but is currently a work at home business. I started exploring "make online" business opportunities. I started dropshipping through AliExpress but their payment systems were not favorable for me becuase I could only receive payments from only three African countries. Most of the population in these country do not know anything about online shopping and I to invest a lot of in marketing but I didn't get satisfactory results.

I decided to venture into affliate marketing when I stumbled on WA through Twitter and I decided to make research about it.

I have to confess that the majority of the online citizens were praising Wealth Affiliate and the tesimonies were heart raising and encouranging. I said, let me give it a try, I registered, I started the program and midway, booom, I couldn't go any further. I was told I must pay a monthly fee to go the next step. Damn! I had started getting excited. I really want to make money. I am very desperate for it and it looks like WA can do it for me (of course with my dedication and hard work). What can I do? I left my job 5 months ago, I don't have money now to pay, but I want WA.

I have decided to borrow $100 from a friend and I am supposed to pay it back in a month. I have a belief that WA will earn me this $100 in one month. So I am on my knees, praying so hard that this journey I have taken will deliver me to the fruitful financial freedom.

I also want to have a story to tell. I want to bring back my dignity and my countiry's dignity. I want to contribute to my country's development because if I can succeed here, any one else can.

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Recent Comments


Well done Ford - you will now have everything you need and I wish you focus, determination and the energy to succeed

Welcome Ford. Your answer might like with the new site comments platform. It's hard work but after you have given 50 comments you can the earn 50 cents for every second comment you make (one comment goes towards your credits for comments on your site). I started today and have put 27 comments down. They need to be good quality. Don't be tempted not to answer if you don't like the site because you will lose 2 hrs (you will see this when you start). Also you will need to add an email address and produce a Gravatar account. This is simply a profile of your face which helps create trust and moves everywhere your email goes. It sounds difficult but it really isn't. Maybe this is the answer to your WA monthly payments.

welcome to the club

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