Cleaning Someone's Home Has Some Moments
Today my daughter & I cleaned a long term client's home. Our client has a young teenage daughter who practically does what she wants.
We were surprised to find a notice on her door, no admittance, respect my privacy. O.K. one less room to clean. However, we went to do her bathroom only to smell something bad. She had put a tape over the doors underneath her basin. Bad smell was coming from there, so my daughter Kim pulled the tape off to see what was lurking there. A plastic bag with some food of some kind really in decomposition stage along with chippie bags & chocolates.
We quickly taped the door up again and left that area alone. Wonder what will happen next week?
We often find really strange behaviors and it gives us a laugh. Parents are mostly unaware of what is happening, and we don't like to dob them in, the children need to learn from their own experience. Clean up your mess or it will grow....
I have noticed though, that the behaviors of the parents are exhibited with the children. Not always, but mainly. If mum & dad are messy, so too are the kids.
I remember with my eldest boy that nothing would change him. His job was to vacuume the sun room where he & his sister could play. What a chore he made of it every week.
So my findings is - we can try but maybe not succeed. It's all their choice and whether they retain their teachings is all up to them.
We believe that the client's privacy is important, even when it is a young teenager not wanting us to intrude into their room. We just leave it.
Whatever the client wants, we bend over backward to achieve it. Therefore, we get a lot of referrals and can charge the top price.
The reason for this post is - train your kids before they can say NO. It is really up to us to set a good example to be tidy & clean. I know it's not always possible, but we can try.
Cheers to you all in all your endeavors.
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I was sent down the coal mines at 3 years old before I could say NO! That took some cleaning, I can tell you, it was all black and sooty!
I think that's why I must like Nat King Coal (Cole)?
Jae, that sounds a bit weird, those strange behaviors. Kids Eh!
No! down the mines at 3? Did you have another fall?
Yes some kids are really weird, only hope they "grow out of it"
Thanks for reading.
Jae ☼
Having 3 grown children brought up in the same way and with the same rules. One is totally clean, organised and on top of life, one does their best but trips up over some things and has a it can be done later attitude. The last does not care for cleaning, tidying or organising anything.
There is such a thing as nature over nurture.
With Grace and Gratitude
Hi Karen,
Yes it's hard to impress young people that they may need these skills later in life. Thanks for reading my post.
Cheers Jae
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Yes, you are right. Training kids have good habits from young age is very important. My daughter didn't like to close her drawers, and her drawers are messy with her some of clothes, sucks. I don't like it and told her make them tidy and close them for many times, her answer is " I don't have time, I have many important things to do". What? it shouldn't be excuse for a teenager. I am still working on it.
I feel for you Lorilee, we end up sounding like records, or echos.
I see many, many children scattering their clothes, shoes & bags on the floor. One house my daughter & I clean, it starts right from the front door, shoes, balls of all kinds, bags, hats, towels you name it and it's all on the floor as you walk in. Fortunately it is a roomy entrance and a huge house with a hall as long as a cricket green. Hope that makes you feel better, clothes hanging out of drawers doesn't sound too bad lol
Cheers Jae ♥