So Very Happy Today!
Yesterday I was reading some Training on Amazon from IveTrieThat about using Amazon and there was a mention of using Tracking ID's in the training which was something I knew absolutely zero about.
So I collared the above mentioned person in Chat but he had to leave and do some other business offline.
Today I managed to Chat to the very same person about these Tracking ID's and received the help that I required.
It's really cool when you get the help you need which may to some be very insignificant but to me meant a lot.
Now I am very happy that I now know what they are and how to implement them.
My first Tracking ID is now set up.
This proves to me that asking the right questions in Chat gets you the required help that you may need at that time or at the very least the next day.
I'm really happy about that.
So if you don't know something or need some help;
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I agree. There are many very knowledgeable people here; I know how busy they are yet they are very generous with their time. We're really lucky, wouldn't you say? -Lisa
The only way to obtain the knowledge is to ASK those that have it. Learn it and do it!!!
Thanks Fishingdeals! I'd like to know more about the tracking ID's from Amazon. How about another detailed blog?!
It is great when we don't know how to do something that we can ask questions in chat. Great Post.
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Good blog, thats me to the T. AFRAID,Got to get over that! I appreciate everyone here that is so generous with theyre knowledge. Glad you found what you are ooking for:)