Don't Exercise Today!


It’s definitely no secret that one of the most important things in our lives for general health is to move our bodies. Here at WA University while we're focused and dialed in to our daily task we've got to find a way to implement movement for some much needed blood flow to our brains.

We’re all aware that exercise is scientifically proven to be beneficial to our overall wellbeing, and essential to our longevity. I certainly recommend getting traditional exercise whenever possible and as often as your schedule permits. But what can we do for some added circulation if our schedules won’t accommodate a trip to the local fitness center?

Exercise doesn’t always have to be lifting weights, running or cycling. What can we do in the middle of our days as sedimentary computer, laptop and tablet people? Here are a couple of silly ways to go about getting some much needed blood flow to the brain while we’re in the middle of a long day of blogging or website creation.


1. Electric Neck (not as shocking as it sounds)

a) Stand next to your desk, table, couch or work area and raise yourself onto your tippy toes.

b) Hold on to a secure surface and slowly lean your head back as if you were trying to touch your skull to your spine while you inhale slowly and deeply – hold for 12 seconds continuing to breathe; inhaling and exhaling slowly and deeply.

c) Slowly take a deep breath when you count to 12 seconds and exhale as you return your head to its normal position and lower yourself from your tippy toes.

d) Repeat steps a) and b) at a slow pace 3-5 times.

2. Reach For the Sky

e) Scoot as far as safely possible in your seat, lean dramatically forward and arch your back as much as still comfortable with your arms at your sides allowing your hands to dangle freely.

f) After 8 seconds, while your back is still arched, raise your hands palm wards up and extend both arms as high as possible; feel the stretch as you extend your fingers and breathe in and out deeply and slowly for 10 seconds, return your arms to your sides allowing your hands to dangle freely.

g) Repeat step f) three additional times

This little blood flow routine will definitely not help you lose belly fat or help you with any fitness goals. It's simply my silly little creation to help break up the monotony of a day of attempted creativity. Try it safely!

In the meantime, all happy thoughts and all happy things to you!

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Recent Comments


Awesome tips, Felix. It's really important to move and stretch with all the sitting we do at the computer. I, especially, will need to take your advice after all the food I ate yesterday! Great blog with valuable info. Many beautiful blessings for the day. :-)

Thank you so much as always Heather for taking a moment to read and comment! I'm happy to see the sun today here in Georgia, your pics from your outing yesterday motivated me to get out with my little guys today!

Great reminder, and niche.

I took a yoga class at TAMU for my kines degree. It's kind of funny how concentrating on the simpliest movements can be as beneficial as intense heavy weight-lifting workouts.

I know it's so odd! The Kinesiology stuff is so cool, awesome! I just followed you and I'm looking forward to networking with you. Thank you for taking time to check out my post!

Thank you for the reminder.

Thanks so much Alexander for taking a moment to take a look and comment. I appreciate you very much!

A good reminder to us sitting on the computer for that long hours. Thanks.

Hello Sadi! I'm doing my best to remind myself during these long days in front of the computer screen to stretch a little bit. Thank you so much for reading and commenting!

It's almost like yoga with the stretching and breathing.

That's a great analogy Debbi! You're right a version of Yoga... Thanks so much for commenting. Happy thoughts and happy things to you.

Yep. We need to get that oxygen to keep motivated as well. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you for stopping in to have a read and say hello! I really appreciate you... All happy thoughts and happy things to you.

Man...I already went for my run today looks like i'll have to skip tomorrow to make up. Jkjk These are really great tips. A job I worked at previously actually stopped everyone every hour to take a 1 minute stretch break. It forced us to stand up and get some blood flowing instead of just sitting stagnant all day. Now I get funny looks when I still keep up the habit.

Lol... Well I'm glad that you're still in good practice Nichole! Thanks so much for taking a few moments to stop in and say hello. I know this is pretty basic information, I guess I was looking for the post to serve as more of a reminder. I really do appreciate you reading and commenting. Thank you!

Great post! I need to remind myself to take more stretching breaks now and then.

Sometimes it's the little things! Thanks so much for taking a look.

Thanks for the tips :)

Hi Jude, any little thing that can help to shake up the cobwebs and keep the creative energy flowing right! It worked for me today, so I just thought I'd share... Thanks so much for taking a look!

Great reminders @Felixwebman! My Mom is a physical therapist and she always encourages me to do the"W" stretch while at your computer to make sure your posture is correct & avoid slump-age:)

(you make a W with your arms--hands out near your head--and flex/roll your shoulder blades up-out-and down!)

Awesome! I'm always looking for little things to do to keep the ball rolling. I hate getting the stiff feeling in my neck and shoulders while I'm trying to work. So distracting! Thanks so much for reading and taking the time to comment. I appreciate you!

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