Growing And Growing...


I have been very absent from WA lately, because I’ve been darn busy and life got in the way as well.


To start with one of my beloved 2 cats, Tony, died on October 6.  He had lymphoma and it took him so fast.  I loved him so much that  it knocked me out of doing anything for a couple of weeks, even though I was in a middle of a blog contest which I pretty much blew up because of it. 
However, I still learned a lot and most of all, I made some great connections with very successful bloggers of the world wide web :)


Beside this, I have started to switch my gears a little bit doing less “affiliate marketing” and more blogging. 


This past 3 or 4 months I dedicated most of my time to blogging, connecting with other big bloggers out there and guest posting.  I’ve guest posted on a few blogs so far and I’ve got two more posts that are going to be published within a month or so.  One of them is like THE blog :) out there!


More on that when it will be published :) 


I also wanted to concentrate a bit more on my personal development niche and life coaching.  Affiliate marketing is great and I still do some of it, but it’s time for me to go a bit beyond that and concentrate more on my writing and life coaching careers. 
However, I still be sticking around here, anyway!


So, the reason why I started to write this post in the first place is to let you know that I will be linking my blog posts over here every time a new one is up.  My blog post are usually 800+ words of hard work results that I am sure many of you can benefit from, especially if you are new in the online world.


I am also preparing an interview with a successful blogger right now. I will be doing the interview and learn a bunch of goodies from him.  I’ll definitely post that interview on my affiliate success methods blog.  In the near future, I am also planning on interviewing big people of the blog world and I am sure you will want to learn from them as well.


So, without further ado, here is my last blog post title The 3 Most Important Factors of Persuasive Writing.  If you are doing article marketing, you will love it!  Enjoy your reading and leave a comment at the bottom…. Questions, thoughts, ideas…. Anything:)


Take care,



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Nice post Sylviane, let me know if you want my copy writing skills. I have a couple for you.

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