No Need Comparing With Others
There is definitely no need comparing yourself with others.The downside of life is that
it's really easy to get taken in by the hype and froth of online chest-beating. The 'gurus' publish
their accounts, the millions they eran within days of starting and so forth. People do earn big
money online, I do not doubt but is not always easy for any body.
I have said and still I'm saying, that some body is there and I'm here does not mean I'll not be there. The
only difference between 'Here' ana 'There' is 'T' which stands for time. So with time and
determination to so succeed I'll be there.
We don't need to compare ourselves with others at all.
The only person you need to compare yourself to, however...
... is the person you were yesterday
Are you better than that person today?
If so, there is progress in your life and in what you're doing
If not, today is yet another day to start making those changes that are important to you.
In other words, it's okay to take things slow, not looking out frustratingly on other people.
It's okay to try something, find out if doesn't work, and try something else.... until you discover what works best for you
Recent Comments
Hi Ephraim thanks for your post, it is bang on right. There are times I have to keep this in mind.
Hi Ephraim and thank you for sharing this post
You are so right
Always try to better today and when you wake up be better today - Repeat
Love it thank you
Good hit on the time equation