What's On Your "Things You Can't Live Without" list?

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This post is about what I can't live without in my life. There won't be many things on this list because it isn't about sharing which people I can't live without in my life. That list would be much longer!

I have some things that allow me to live life more fully. The first thing that comes to my mind is my morning coffee. My coffee is essential to me, getting me started on my day. Without it, I feel like a blob. The feeling of missing out on an incredible treat is another reason that would make me feel FOMO. I love coffee, and frothing creamer to put into it is the ultimate best!

Another thing I cannot live without is my sleep. I love to get a good night's rest, and I also enjoy taking naps some days. There is nothing better than waking up feeling refreshed with a second wind coming. I can get so much done when I feel rested.

I have a challenging time with sitting and not engaging my brain. Included on my "can't live without's" list is about stimulating my mind. I crave knowledge and stimulation. I either have to read, participate in a craft, write, text, play games, or read/listen to the news. I might add baking or cooking on that list too. These mind stimulators are essential for me to feel complete as a person. However, I have learned to sit and be during meditation. Meditation gives me the chance to make some space in my brain. I have found living without meditation to be another thing that would make me less able to enjoy my days.

So, my best words about what I can and cannot live without in my life today are pretty simple. When I think of these things and try to categorize what they do for me, I would have to say my list is about mind, body, and spirit.

Sleep is about the mind and the body. I need coffee as it is a time of spiritual reflection when I sit to enjoy it. Finally, stimulating and relaxing my brain is all about nourishing my mind, body, and spirit. Nurturing myself is essential to my well-being.

What can't you live without in your life today?

What do you do to nourish your mind, body, and spirit?

Have a great day, WA family!

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Recent Comments


This list should be the 'Gold Standard, Erlene - with a few adjustments.

Coffee is at the top of my list too - although I do occasionally substitute for green tea during meditation or a hectic, early morning commute.

And I also have Coffee when engaging my brain in some activity. It adds a little extra focus and stimulation.

Isaiah 😊

Coffee does help me focus too! I do like green tea, but it's not my go-to for every day.

Thanks for commenting.

Absolutely love this. I agree with you on all points. We actually sound very much alike. I too love my morning coffee, a must-have. But, I just learned this. Even before that have a glass of water. When we wake up our brain is dehydrated and needs real fuel. Just like a motor in a car, it needs fuel to run.

Water should be our fuel first thing in the morning then have your cup of coffee. What I'm doing to nourish my mind, body, and spirit is pretty much the same as you. Morning coffee and reflection, yoga and meditating, and learning and expanding my mind. The only thing I'm not doing very well at is sleeping.🤦


Emarla, you have said a mouthful! You have prompted a time for some real reflecting.


I have a similar list except that I Don't drink coffee; I prefer my green tea.
And sound sleep at night seems the most important for me.
Thank you for sharing.

The little things are really the big things in life. Thanks for your comments!



For sure!

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