How Technology Has Change But God!
Everything have change computers have taking over Now -But we have a God that keep us through it all I have seen the time when you wasn't going sit at a desk or do anything on cash register if you didn't have high school diploma or college degree! now there is a fitness activity tracker that can monitor your heart+high blood pressure+diabetes I have a passion for people and I have these health issues, I was searching on amazon for to see was it something out there for monitor your health and found these Activity fitness trackers that monitor heart,diabete, exercise that awesome and when I joined Wealthy Affiliate I was wonder what was a good niche and Kyle had mentioned about doing something you passion about but I have a few things that I am passionate about but I have a few things that I am passion about I am a people person that is a passion with me but fitness trackers didn't come in my spirit but was spoke through a man that didn't know anything about me,and I knew this was from God you don't know who your guardian angel is and I had peace when I join Wealthy Affiiate and I felt the love from some of the people here I have been scam before by con people that were evil, but I don't carry that on my shoulder because I know who my God is and who I serve ,you no it sad when people say they for you and they love you and see you making mistake or see something is wrong, if you see a person trying to reach a goal and you don't lift a helping hand to correct and help then that not love you say you have succeeded then I feel like you will truly help one another with love Elvira
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The only sure thing in life is a never-changing God, Elvira. He is the same today as He was yesterday, and He will be the same tomorrow. Our Rock and our Savior.
Thanks for the post and be blessed
True words, Elvira. Trust God in all things!