My Progress Thus Far.


Starting a new website in the niche of "Cat Litter for Beginners" has been a challenging yet rewarding experience.

The first challenge for me was that I am a novice in the world of website design. Thankfully Kyle’s step-by-step videos have made my getting this far both very accessible and enjoyable. I have especially loved seeing my website take shape and come to life as I worked my way through the lessons!

The second challenge has been navigating through the myriad options of cat litter and sharing my knowledge with fellow cat owners. I felt a bit intimidated about the competition, but as Kyle explained in one of the training videos: I am the competition for those already out here.

Ok now for the good part, the successes I am proud of:

The first thing that I am proud of is having successfully launched my website. This was the first milestone for me because I am new at this process and not very tech-savvy.

The second thing that I am proud of is having learned how to choose Low-branch keywords using ‘Jaaxy’, and create keyword-rich content. I really enjoy the process!

I am now looking forward to building a library of informative and engaging content because I believe this to be crucial in the cat litter niche. I feel that I am starting to understand better how to create more in-depth articles, blog posts, and guides covering topics such as how to choose a cat litter, and litter box training, including aspects such as odor control. I am committed to delivering high-quality content to my readers and look forward to the payoff in terms of organic traffic growth and subsequent revenue.

My Goals for the Next 3 Months:

  • Content Expansion: Over the next three months, as a new website owner, I plan to continue expanding the content of my library. This includes publishing new articles on specific cat litter brands, reviewing innovative cat litter products, and addressing common cat litter-related problems and solutions.
  • SEO Optimization: I hope to improve my search engine rankings and attract more organic traffic, to my website. This includes keyword research and on-page SEO improvements.
  • Community Building: I would like to build my engagement within the Wealthy Affiliate community, and pay forward as much as I am receiving.

My Goals for the Next 6 Months:

  • Monetization Strategy: As my website gains traction and traffic increases, I hope to explore various monetization strategies. These may include affiliate marketing partnerships with cat litter brands, sponsored content opportunities, or even developing and selling my own cat-related products.
  • Email Marketing: I would like to build a good email subscriber list as I believe this to be an essential step in maintaining a direct line of communication with my audience. Over the next six months, I will work on creating valuable lead magnets and implementing email marketing campaigns.
  • Diversification: While cat litter is the primary focus of my website, I recognize the potential for diversification. I plan to explore related topics such as cat care, grooming, and nutrition, expanding my website's reach and offering more value to readers.

I believe that my journey as a new website owner in the "Cat Litter for Beginners" niche will be filled with achievements and exciting prospects. As I continue to grow my website and engage with the cat-loving community, my dedication to providing valuable information and building a thriving online space for cat owners is something I want to be truly proud of.

I am looking forward to sharing further updates on my inspiring journey!

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Recent Comments


Very happy to hear about your progress so far Evelyne!

Cat litter for beginners sounds like a fantastic niche and one you can scale up in the future!

Great goals my friend and I wish you all the very best meeting and surpassing them! :-)

Hello Jessie!

Thank you for the kind message and words of encouragement.
I am a teacher of English and French looking for a way out of the rat race.

How are things going for you?

You're most welcome my friend and things could always be better, but.... they could certainly be a lit worse too!

congrats on launching your website. I am very interested in checking it out cuz I too have a cat

Thank you!
I am still only starting out so your support, feedback, and guidance will be very much appreciated.

Great to hear that your journey has been inspiring so far and you look forward to achieving more milestones. Great blog post and share, thank you Evelyne :)

Thank you for the feedback Abie.

I am grateful for all your support, help, and suggestions when I have needed them. You have helped me to get this far.

Thank you!


You're most welcome, Evelyne :) Anytime.

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