Still Pressing Forward
I do not post frequently because I am busy with research, completing the training, and helping my daughter get used to being a new mother.
My grandson was born on November 30th weighing 9 pounds 12 ounces (4.42 kg) and around 21 inches long (53 cm). I was able to go and visit with them for several weeks in December. He and my daughter and son-in-law are progressing nicely.
This slowed down my progress in completing the training here at WA, but it didn't stop it completely. I was able to write some posts for my blogs and continue on.
Currently I am trying to pack my house to put it on the market so that I can move closer to my other daughter and bask in the Florida warmth. This is also slowing me down because for everything you throw out something seems to take its place.
My retirement from paid employment has not stopped my church from asking me to do more there. Again this slows me down, but doesn't stop my work here at Wealthy Affiliate. Yes, I do consider it work, but it is also very enjoyable. I love learning new things, and I love to see the success that others are having. I also find it fascinating to hear about what others have done before finding Wealthy Affiliate.
I had a job where I was fortunate enough to take international students and travel around the United States and meet many different people. I learned several things from this:
- People are basically good
- Husbands and children don't change regardless of the culture
- People have interesting stories if you listen to them.
I look forward to completing my move and getting settled so that I can focus more time on growing my business here at Wealthy Affiliate!
Thanks for listening.
Recent Comments
No worries, Ellen. Priority on your family first. Congrats, you are promoted in your family! Best wishes for your grandson and you too, Ellen! :o)
Thank you for your wishes.
I'd never thought of being a grandmother as a promotion, but I guess it is! Thanks,
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You're on the right track!
Family, training, and everything else.
Murray and Terand are right, life happens!
Congratulations on Grandma status!! (It's a hoot).
Thank you!