Well dang, where do I start again?

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Confessional Type Stream of Consciousness - October 26th

Hi, it's me again. I keep saying this, time after time, but where is a guy to start again. Maybe it's time to restart the whole system, since I seem to have flunked or forgotten most of it by now. In truth, that applies to more than just affiliate marketing, which is why I am in this bind.

Heck, it's been years, I have six kids instead of three when I started blogging, it has been four years since I found WA, and I'm now self-employed where I was a salaried employee back when I started, trying to find a way make a difference and a little more side income to cover off the extra bills and get us out of debt.

Now, without getting into details I am less in debt, we don't owe any more on the loan for the house (so far, but it was only 40 and a trailer, on a ten year loan). So including vehicle loans, and credit card and other personal loans, I owe about $90,000, give or take a couple thousand, which is better than it was before when we owed $140,000 and change.

Where was I going with this? Let's see, it'll probably get reworked into some form of inspirational post, but the general idea is that I need to start focusing on this training, as well as doubling down on the income producing side of things (my day job that supports my writing addiction as well as my family).

So, having dumped all this on the page I think I get the idea that's been hiding my back-brain all this time.

First, focus on what you love (if your career is such) because it'll make enough to carry you, then instead of jumping ship entirely, side step into a place of self-determination, next shift gears as to what/how/why you are providing the service and solving the problems you are solving.

So, while affiliate marketing is awesome, (and so many other online businesses as well), sometimes re-inventing the wheel isn't needed, sometimes all that is needed is to simply revisit what you thought of as your ideal wheel, and maybe you need to switch those summer touring tires out for some rugged mud-grabbers to go a little off the beaten path.

I'll leave that there and I have to get back to work here, it's time to give it all my focus, because if I am not the one looking after and at my beautiful little girl then somebody else will.

Duke of Chaos.

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If you are unsure of a few things, then I would suggest looking at the training again as a refresher. It has recently undergone an overhaul. That might help a little my friend!

Best success to you!


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