This Is a Godsend if You Rely on Searching for Exact Image Sizes


I was so frustrated. And I know many of you had to be as well. For those who don't know yet, Google recently did away with their search tool of specifying exact image sizes for images. The site I'm working on uses a masonry(in this case, a two-column grid) style layout for all posts. It's very important for featured images to be the same size to prevent posts looking lopsided., especially in grid format. You could get away with it if you have a standard blog format but you'd still need images close to the same size to ensure that it wouldn't be noticable. Anyway, I stumbled on this article that offers great solutions to the problem. This will prevent you from having to resize images which usually ruins the quality and you don't have to worry about padding posts or any of that. Check it out,and if you rely on searching for Google images by exact size, here's how to still do it.

Here's the method in the article I find best. Go to Google search and make sure you're on 'images.' Search for the image you want. Now add the following to the END of the url: &tbs=isz:ex,iszw:2000,iszh:1000 and replace the 2000 and 1000 with the dimensions you want. For example, if you want a 600x400 image, it would look like this: &tbs=isz:ex,iszw:600,iszh:400 and you'll only get images that are 600x400.

Hope this helps some of you. It certainly did for me.

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Great to see your post Robert!

Thanks brother!! It was so frustrating until I came across the solution.

How's your online business going?

Coming along nicely. After all these years, I've finally found something I'll be able to stick with. Only took half a decade lol. How about you?

Hey it took me a good few years to get it right thanks to WA, but it's about sticking to the training. Glad to hear you're on your way man!

Thanks, and true but there's nobody like me with that lol. I found out there's actually a name for it, where people have trouble finishing what they start due to losing focus easily, but it escapes me at the moment. But it's more common than I thought. At least, I can blame it on that lol.

It's a common thing for many. I have that issue too. It's when we find something meaningful that we stick to it.

Very true!! Still, I can only imagine what you must of thought getting my email about all those ideas I presented to you in the past lol

Thanks for sharing the link, Robert.
Appreciate your help and all the best to you.

My pleasure, glad it could help :) Best of luck to you as well.

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