Unbelievable, I realized that you learn to know what you don't know here.
So, of course I am learning tremendous amounts of information here. That's to be expected, Wealthy Affiliate is the top affiliate training platform in the world I am sure.
What amazes me as I go step by step and implement actions, even if I don't understand the WHY of it, I do it. Then a few steps later, I get it. Then I realize that I don't know a lot about this...but I am in the best company possible to make dreams come true.
Why did I wait so long?
Recent Comments
That is a good question WHY. Why did anyone wait so long for coming to WA? I got my invitation through an email. I open it up and then join the same day I have been now just little over 2 months now and still waiting for a sale. I keep working on my site though coming up with new ideas. I just keep hoping and praying for that first sale.
Just like driving a car , we just get in and drive many of us don't know what goes on under the bonnet, we just drive.
Looks like you are making good progress and enjoying the process, best wishes as you continue to grow your online presence.
Good luck Donna and nice to hear of your inspiration. I hope you grow and keep developing.