Nine Tips for a Successful Mindset in 2016


Success Starts In Your Mind!

Today I am going to post something that I believe is going to help quite a few people that are members of this wonderful community that are struggling with keeping focused upon success within internet marketing.

I read a book a couple of weeks ago called "The Greatest Salesman in the World" by Og Mandino. Within this book lie nine very important principles which, even though this book was written with the word "salesman" in the title, you could respectively replace that word "salesman" with just about anything you can think of. So in this case, let us put "affiliate/internet marketer." After my call to preach, I truly desire to be the best at affiliate marketing that I can be.

The 9 Principles:

  • "Today I Begin A New Life"
  • "I Will Greet This Day With Love In My Heart"
  • "I Will Persist Until I Succeed"
  • "I Am Nature's Greatest Miracle"
  • "I Will Live This Day As If It Were My Last"
  • "I Will Be Master of My Emotions"
  • "I Will Laugh At The World"
  • "I Will Multiply My Value By A Hundred-Fold"
  • "I Will Act Now"

These are principles that I have integrated into my life and along with other things, these help me to keep focused and keep pressing in the internet marketing world. I will be giving a relevant quote followed by a little exposition. I truly want to help someone today who is struggling.

1. Today I Begin A New Life

"The career I have chosen is laden with opportunity yet it is fraught with heartbreak and despair and the bodies of those who have failed, were they piled atop another, would cast a shadow down upon all the pyramids of the earth."

Wow. What better explanation of this path that we have all chosen in affiliate marketing. The path definitely leads to endless opportunity but we see all too many times the ones who have given in and given up. So many times it is hard to wrap our minds around affiliate marketing and get into the mindset we need to be in to DO this.

Each and every day, we need to arise in the morning and instead of say, "Good Lord, it's morning?", we should instead say, "I'm thankful for another morning!" Every day is a new chance, a new opportunity for life and a new day to do things we have never done before. The failures of yesterday should not be hindrances to us on this path we have chosen; rather, the failures are what bring us to success.

Today, I begin a new life. Each and every day, I want to embrace the day and take full advantage of it for what it has to offer me. The only true difference between those who have failed and those who have succeeded are a difference in habits. I want to begin a new life, but in order to change my life I must first change my habits.

Once you do something enough times and you enjoy doing it, it becomes a habit. I want good things to be a joy for me to do, for if I find joy in those things, they will become my habits, and my habits will then dictate the way my life goes.

Begin a new life; and begin it by integrating new, good habits into your system. A child is a slave to impulses; we must be slaves to good habits in order to be successful.

2. I Will Greet This Day With Love In My Heart

"I will love the ambitious for they can inspire me! I will love the failures for they can teach me! I will love the kings for they are but human; I will love the meek for they are divine. I will love the rich for they are so lonely; I will love the poor for they are so many.I will love the young for the faith that they hold; I will love the old for the wisdom they share. I will love the beautiful for their eyes of sadness; I will love the ugly for their souls of peace."

I made up in my mind a long time ago that I don't care who someone is, where they have came from or what walk of life they are on, I am going to do my best to show them love. When you love someone, they are so much more willing to open up to you and share with you the things that are on their hearts.

In this affiliate marketing business, one thing that should radiate from our blogs, landing pages, or whatever else we may use, is our love for the people we are trying to connect with. Our love for our brand, our product we're promoting, the people whose lives we're trying to change.

When people can see and tell that you love what you are doing, it probably won't matter what the cost of it is if they can see that there is a real, true element of love and fulfillment in what you're talking about. I have found many times that when you talk to people about what they love, you'll be able to hold their attention for hours.

Every success and every failure, we should love each and every one of them the same because they are both contributors that get us to where we need to be. Without either, we would never arrive at the potential we were supposed to be at.

3. I Will Persist Until I Succeed

"I will consider each day's effort as but one blow of my blade against a mighty oak. The first blow may not cause a tremor in the wood, nor the second, nor the third. Each blow of itself, may be trifling, and seem of no consequence. Yet from childish swipes the oak will eventually tumble. So it will be with my efforts of today."

I am not giving up. I am not giving in. I have seen too many people be successful in this business to not be able to have my own piece of the pie. Like the writer said in the book, each blow against the mighty oak gets us closer and closer to knocking the tree down.

Some of our trees are bigger than others; some of our niches are more profitable. Some of us have more of a knack for this; some of us are struggling. But each blow against our mighty oak gets us one step closer to sending the tree toppling down.

Yes, it is tiresome. Yes, it is hard. Yes, it is aggravating at times. But if I persist, I will succeed. If I sow, I will reap if I faint not. When a shark smells blood in the water, he does not stop until he finds the source. So will I be with online marketing; I'm following the trail until I get to the meat!

4. I Am Nature's Greatest Miracle

"Vain attempts to imitate others no longer will I make. Instead will I place my uniqueness on displace in the market place. I will proclaim it, yea, I will sell it. I will begin now to accent my differences; hide my similarities. So too will I apply this principle to the goods I sell. Salesman and goods, different from all others, and proud of the difference."

You and I were made totally different from one another. Though we may have the similarities of humanity, we are still two completely different people. I can do things in a way you can't, but you can do things in ways I've only ever dreamed of doing them.

Your website, your blog, your YouTube videos, your landing page, they should not be copies of someone else's stuff! You were made to be YOU; if that should show anywhere, it should show in your blog. It should show in your videos. It should show in the way you do things.

Let us not focus so much on what each other are doing as much as we're focusing on how we're doing what OUR thing is. Promote your niche the way YOU would promote it. When people see more of YOU than your sales pitch, they're not just buying the product; they're buying part of you!

5. I Will Live This Day As If It Were My Last

"And if today is my last, it will be my greatest monument. This day I will make the best day of my life. This day I will drink every minute to it's full. I will savor its taste and give thanks. I will make every hour count and each minute I will trade only for something of value. I will labor harder than ever before and push my muscles until they cry for relief, and then I will continue. I will make more calls than ever before. I will sell more good than ever before. I will earn more gold than ever before. Each minute of today will be more fruitful than the hours of yesterday. My last day must be my best."

We are not promised tomorrow. We cannot live in yesterday. Today is our last day to make a difference on January 1, 2016. Today is the last January 1, 2016 we will ever have. This is the only day we can make sales on January 1. This day is never coming back. What are we doing with it?

We all have 24 hours a day, 168 hours a week, 4 weeks a month, 12 months a year. What are we going to do with all this time we have? Exist? Waste away? No, friend, we are going to be GREAT! We are going to achieve GREAT things!

6. I Will Be Master of my Emotions

"Weak is he who permits his thoughts to control his actions; strong is he who forces his actions to control his thoughts."

As human beings, we are creatures ruled by emotion. What we feel is what we most quickly will respond to. Some of us are cholerics, not giving much heed to emotion, some of us are sanguine, swimming in emotion, some of us are melancholy, indifferent to emotion, some of us are phlegmatic, not motivated either way about emotion.

But it does not change the fact that emotion and feelings influence us. But sometimes, we have to look the facts in the face and put our emotions aside and deal with what is. If our emotions get too out of hand, we will crash and burn. If we push our emotions completely out of the picture, we will lose an inner guidance that helps us know how to respond. There has to be a balance and a control of feeling and fact.

7. I Will Laugh At The World

"I will paint this day with laughter; I will frame this night in song. Never will I labor to be happy; neither will I remain too busy to be sad. I will enjoy today's happiness today. It is not grain to be stored in a box. It is not wine to be saved in a jar. It cannot be saved for the morrow. It must be sown and reaped on the same day and this will I do, henceforth."

There is something to be said about laughter. It can unwind some of the tensest situations. It can make everything seem better even when it's not. It can make you feel happy when you don't exactly feel happy.

One of the worst things that a person can find themselves doing is taking themselves too seriously. If you're going to laugh at somebody, laugh at yourself. No matter in life, no job, no website, no situation is so bad that laughter won't make things at least a little bit better.

Happiness is a choice, not a circumstance. You choose to be happy. A long time ago, I made my mind up that no matter what happens, I will be happy and joyful through it all. It is joy, after all, that gives us the strength to make it through the tough times. Keep a smile on your face while you're blogging. Keep laughing at yourself as you move up the ranks. Take it easy. Be happy.

8. I Will Multiply My Value By A Hundred-Fold

"I am liken to a grain of wheat which faces one of three futures. The wheat can be placed in a sack and dumped in a stall until it is fed to swine. Or it can be ground into flour and made into bread. Or it can be placed in the earth and allowed to grow until it's golden head divides and produces a thousand grains from the one."

The difference between us and the grain of wheat is we have a choice where we end up in the respective process of life. We can choose whether we are fed to the swine, ground into powder, or planted in the good soil.

I choose to be planted in the soil and allowed to grow so I may produce fruit. I want to increase my value each and every day to my wife, to my family, to my church, to everybody I come in contact with. I want them to feel more valuable for the value that they see in me.

When you multiply your value through reading books, through the lessons here at WA, through growing and growing into an authority in internet marketing in your respective niche, your opportunities for prosperity are literally limitless; but don't stop at one plateau of success.

Keep reaching, keep going, keep growing! If a plant stops growing, it's probably dying! So it is with the human mind and spirit; keep feeding it and it will keep growing!

9. I Will Act Now

"I will not avoid the tasks of today and charge them to tomorrow for I know that tomorrow never comes. Let me act now even though my actions may not bring success or happiness for it is better to act and fail than not to act and flounder. Happiness, in truth, may not be the fruit plucked by my action yet without action all fruit will die on the vine."

The procrastination has to stop. The waiting has to stop. The doubting and fearing "if this will work" has got to go. Success is out there. I see so many other people having it and I've made up my mind with 3.5 billion people using the internet daily, I can find my piece of the pie somewhere out there.

I admit, I left WA a few months ago to go and try some other methods that are out there. Was it the smartest decision I have made in my young marketing career thus far? Probably not. But the action that I took helped me to realize that this is truly the only thing out there that works.

And now that I am here, I will act now. I'm not going to wait for someone to hold my hand and tell me it's okay to start now, or it's okay to try this now; no I will make this happen one way or the other, because I know if I follow these principles, if I follow these lessons, I WILL see success and I will eventually get to the place where I support my family online.

I really hope this has helped someone today. It really helped me just to get it out and get it written down. This isn't the "secret to success" or the "#1 way to succeed in affiliate marketing" but they are some very strong and rooted principles that I believe will benefit each and every one that takes the time to read this.

If you're interested in the book, check out "The Greatest Salesman in the World" by Og Mandino. It will really put some things in you that will change your life if you let it. Thanks for stopping by and reading my blog post!



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Recent Comments


Very good points and a positive step for the new year, thank you for these insights

Amazing one Daniel. Thank you for sharing!

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