I'm stuck


Hey guys so I've been at this for about half a month now.

I've made 4 different websites with 4 different niches I'm at the 2nd level of the bootcamp where they want me to write another article about something else but I can't figure out what to write about while trying to monetize the article. I just can't seem to put the 2 pieces together for any of my niches.

I think it's mostly because I'm not affiliated to anything other than WA and its hard to get accepted to companies without any sales or a page thats clearly brand new with no content.

I could really use an example of some sites, I would love if someone could show me what they've got going on and maybe give me a few tips because I don't want to jump ahead of the bootcamp and get lost.

I'm still confused about SEO too I understand how Jaaxy works for the most part but I don't understand how even if I write articles that are titled with a popular search keyword I don't even see my article on any page and I looked for my article that I wrote about WA I couldn't find it lol

I not usually the kind of guy to ask for help but I don't want to give up I just need a little more guidance so I can see how I should go about my site. I understand how to make the site now for the most part so that's not an issue and I've learned how to find free pictures

Please if anybody reads this that knows what they're doing and can help me it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your time


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You really shouldn't be trying to create 4 websites at this stage as you will find that you cannot give them the attention that they need to succeed.

I see Diane has given you some good advice.

We just have a few more ideas.
I believe your niche is making money online.
To get a feel for what you can do, have you checked out Kyles 2 websites?.
realdealaffilaite.com and WaystoAvoidScamsOnline.com
Jay, the WA Webinar instructor also has one he references a lot during training it is: affiliateresources.org

Also you can do a search in Google "Wealthy Affiliate" and I am sure you will find some high ranking sites to give you a feel of what is possible. Obviously you will have to be unique with your content. But the sites cam give you inspiration.

Hope this helps.

Like Diane states. Decide on one website and write and keep on writing. Do use Jaaxy to find your less competitive keyword phrases.

Jay also has a good SEO check list which will help you to remember what need to be done before you publish a post..

Yes thank you for your help I’ll check all of that out

Hi - first of all, you are going to find it extremely challenging and time consuming to continually add content to 4 different websites every week.

Rather than writing high quality, well researched articles for just one site, you will stretch yourself too thin, and end up publishing content that is rushed and not well thought out.

More websites does not equal more money. I suggest you concentrate on just one site for at least 6 months, adding 2 or 3 articles to it every week. This will show Google that you are an authority on your subject.

If you are following the Boot Camp training, then I presume that one of your sites is about making money online and promoting WA.

This is very competitive and you will potentially have to write hundreds of articles before you see any great success.

As regards your content, whichever one of your niches you decide to concentrate on, the first few posts should be purely informational with no selling intent, no thought of monetization. Otherwise, Google will see it as a spammy selling site.

And your sites haven't been found by Google yet, which is why you cant find any articles live on the internet. This is called indexing and takes a couple of weeks or more.

Thanks for your comment. Ya I wasn’t trying to do 4 websites at once I just ended up getting stuck at the same point in each one and would just move on and make a new site with a new idea hoping it would spark some inspiration but I just kept getting stuck trying to figure out what to write. So should I still worry about using keyword optimization for these posts?

Yes, you need these informational articles to rank highly to attract visitors. Use one keyword for each post, use it in the title and once in the first paragraph. Maybe once more as a sub heading or in the last paragraph

When you are ready to write another article, choose a different keyword and repeat the process.

Ok thank you very much for your help I think I’m starting to understand it better I appreciate it.

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