Daring To Dream And Dismissing Doubts

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Let's make the journey a beautiful one, I thought I'd share a little today.

The Introduction

Having just gotten to my 3-month mark at Wealthy Affiliate, I figured it was a decent time to gather thoughts and put things into perspective. I was introduced to this platform by a trusted friend/colleague/sister and it has since been an eye-opener. For quite some time I was looking for an avenue to "do something different", to "earn on the sideline", to "express my love and intrigue of different things". Then one day, during a casual conversation on life, work and parenting; I was unexpectedly introduced to WA.

The Journey

The discovery is real. As advised, I dived into the Online Entrepreneur Training and have not looked back since. Full time work and parenting does not allow enough hours in the day to get through as much as I would like in terms of training and implementation. It has taken some planning and scheduling to power through and I continue to learn so much. It is wonderful to learn more about your own self while working through this online training. Who knew as a newbie, non tech person you could build a website from scratch? Who knew you could own it? The day I paid for my own domain was fantastic!! I will always remember that feeling. Invigorating!!!!

The Dream

The ultimate dream is to make this site, and others, a success. By success, I do not only mean monetary. Success for me involves a growing following, interaction with an audience, engaging content and offering help with my limited knowledge of my niche. Look at that, now I can use terms like "engaging content" and "niche" and know the true meaning of it, the work it takes to research it and the commitment it takes to make it your own. All part of the training package at WA.

The Doubts

Ahhh! They exist, they are real, they can be overwhelming. I am, however, working towards dismissing the doubts. One major stumbling block that I hit was the actual "affiliate" part of affiliate marketing. Oh boy! I remember spending some significant time very stressed about it as I hit this wall. Being from the Caribbean, signing up on the affiliate sites became a nightmare. I have still not successfully signed up for any of the ones listed on the training - ShareASale, CJ, Amazon etc. The info they are asking for like US Bank Accounts, Tax ID, Social Security etc - things I simply do not have........ If you have cracked this code, will love to know about it.

Where to go from here? Will let you know when I figure this out. However, I was advised to move past this section of the entrepreneur training and continue to build out my site and I am back in a better head space. Having since done that I am now almost completed the Level 4 training and setting my goals this weekend on my aim to complete Level 5.

The Plan

My best advice would be to have a plan. The community here is awesome. There is always an answer to your questions. What an encouraging bunch! The platform is massive. Stick to a plan for your training but certainly take time to enjoy the community. Build your following and followers.

My heartfelt thanks to everyone here who has interacted, followed, answered a question, encouraged and chatted.

Launching into new adventures with purpose and positivity!

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Recent Comments


Congratulations, Siti!

You are making great progress.

The "Affiliate" side of the business will come.
For now, keep working on your content and focus on getting your messages to your target audience(s).

It is a VERY exciting journey.


I'm on my 11th day of premium membership and I totally agree with you. Awesome community, awesome journey.... let's go on..

I totally agree!


I appreciate your content here and your progress to date, Deomatee. :) I'd keep up the momentum. Congratulations well in advance on your training completions.

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