Wealthy Affiliate Black Friday Sale 2022

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If you're serious about learning how to make money online with affiliate marketing, I strongly encourage you to take advantage of Wealthy Affiliate's Black Friday Sale! I've been an affiliate marketer for 7+ years as a direct result of my training from Wealthy Affiliate. I have two websites and two YouTube channels, and I actually...wait for it...LIKE MY JOB!

Even after all this time, I'm still aware, every single week, that I no longer dread Sunday nights. I used to be so depressed when the weekend was over and I had to go back to a job I hated on Monday morning. Doing something you love for a living is beyond life changing. I'm happier every single day because I actually like what I'm doing as my job.

The Black Friday Sale starts on Friday, November 25 and ends on Monday, November 28, 2022.

If you're already a Free Starter Member at Wealthy Affiliate, I'd like you to really think about this. Are you enjoying the training here at Wealthy Affiliate? Are you making progress with your website or blog? Do you think you want to continue on with the training? If so, I'm letting you know that this is the lowest price you'll ever get for Wealthy Affiliate's Premium Membership. The normal price is $49 per month, or $495 per year. If you take advantage of this year's Black Friday sale, you'll only pay $299 AND YOU'LL BE GRANDFATHERED IN so you'll only pay $299 every year you decide to renew your membership.

This is the last time. Kyle has told us that this is the last time they're going to be offering the $299 deal. So again, if you're serious about continuing your training at Wealthy Affiliate, I strongly encourage you to take advantage of this price while you can.

I've been an annual Premium Member of Wealthy Affiliate since 2015. In August of 2015, I signed up for the Free Starter Membership. That November, they had a Black Friday sale and I took advantage of it. $299 is all I pay every year when I renew my membership. In my opinion, the quality website hosting and 24/7 tech support are reason enough for me to keep renewing my annual membership. Not to mention the thousands of hours of training videos and webinars at my disposal as a Premium Member! Seven years later I'm still taking classes at Wealthy Affiliate. I'm still learning, and still growing my online business year after year!

Remember, you can earn commissions for referring others to Wealthy Affiliate. Your commission is DOUBLED once you're a Premium Member. The commission for referring someone for the Black Friday Premium deal is $130 if you're a Premium Member. The commission for referring someone for the Black Friday Premium Plus deal is $220. And you get those commissions year after year for as long as the person continues their annual membership.

Wealthy Affiliate is already awesome, and improving year after year. If you're a Free Starter Member or a monthly Premium Member, you already know how much help, support and training are available for us every day. If you're here on this post visiting Wealthy Affiliate for the first time, we can all tell you that Wealthy Affiliate is the real deal. I always say we literally could not live long enough to take all the training that's available to Premium Members!

Make the commitment for one year. Join me as an annual Premium Member of Wealthy Affiliate by taking advantage of this year's Black Friday sale. I did just that in 2015 and I've never looked back. You can do this!

Click here to take advantage of the sale.

Please feel free to comment below with questions. I'm happy to help if I can.

And hey...please take a second and comment below to let me know what your niche is: what do you want your online business to be about? My choice was pets. My pet website is huge now, and I love working on it. What would you love yours to be about? Let me know below! I'd be happy to brainstorm with you on ideas about making money with that topic.

Debra :)

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Recent Comments


Very nice, Debra! I need to get one of these out here in WA too! You have done well, because a post such as this might gain you some referrals! Well done!


I always feel like I can't say enough about how WA has benefited me. I do hope people will take advantage of this price before it's gone! Thanks Jeff!

I totally agree! When you break the cost down it is very minimal compared to everything else out there, and it offers so much more too, Debra!

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