4 things I Have Learned About Online Entrepreneurship + Update

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Someone commented on my last blog post here yesterday and it really warmed my heart so I decide to do another post. More like an update post in case you read the last post from October of last year. I can't believe it's been almost 10 months already since I wrote it!

If you didn't see that post you can read it here since I will be referencing a bit of it in this one.

I want to share some of the things I have learned in the last 10 months about online entrepreneurship, the progress I have made and the advice I would give to anyone who is starting now and needs clarity or encouragement.

So, I started a new website at the end of October last year just before having my second baby in November. I also made a point to complete the Online entrepreneurship training here at WA during that time.

After publishing a few posts on it, I decided to take some time off to give my attention to my newborn and only published when I had some extra time.

I officially launched the blog sometime in April/May 2020. And by launching it what I mean is that I started sharing it on social media and letting people know about it. I have been working hard at it ever since.

I know there are plenty of people in here in Wealthy Affiliate who may be frustrated as I was for not seeing results fast enough and may be at the verge of giving up as I was. I am writing this post to encourage you. It is also to let you know that, although it can be tough, online entrepreneurship works.

Because of the lessons I am going to share with you below, I have been able to accomplish most of the goals I set for myself 10 months ago and I am still going on strong. Stronger than ever.

So let's get started:

If you want different results, you need to do some things differently

Some of the things I committed to doing differently (if you read my last post, I mentioned them there) are:

  • Complete the Wealthy Affiliate Online Entrepreneur Certification
  • Believe in myself
  • Avoid distractions and be laser focused
  • Put myself out there - Be authentically me, create relationships with others and promote my business.

1. About Training

So, I have already mentioned that I completed the training so that was helpful because I learned a lot. One thing I have to note though is that it is not enough to just learn, you have to apply what you learn in order for it to make a difference.

I spent my first year at WA learning and getting excited about all the wonderful information that was at my disposal but I did not do much in way of implementation. What I am doing more of currently is implementing.

I would rather go slow on a training and implement what I am learning than finish quickly and fail to apply it. Finishing doesn't make the difference, application does.

The other thing I would like to say, is that I have found Jay's weekly webinars to be priceless. I don't have the luxury of attending them live most of the time but I have committed myself to going back and watching at least one replay every week. I choose one that is most relevant to the areas that I am struggling with in my business.

The best way to look at them is like getting weekly coaching from an expert. The information on those webinars is what a lot of people are paying top dollar for in paid coaching calls and masterminds. Don't take it for granted.

It helped me when I started looking at it as an investment in my business. I pay to get training in WA among other things and if I am not utilizing the available trainings and I fail, then that's on me. Taking that responsibility has helped me take training seriously and it is paying off.

2. Being Laser Focused

Every body talks about being focused but how many of us are focused, really? And if you are focused, what are you focusing on? Is it adding value to your business or is it just a shiny object distracting you from your goals?

I cannot say that I have been 100% focused, I still get distracted here and there but it is happening less and less now. I made it a point to stop thinking of my blog as "just" a hobby and start viewing it as a business.

If I am looking at it as a business, then for me to get results I have to put in the work and implement the right strategies. Just like you would in any other business. I also have a vested interest in getting a return on my investment in the business, be it my time or money spent in learning. That gets me fired up.

Defining my goals for the next 6 months to 1 year and then using that to further define goals for each week and month has also helped me to identify things that are not adding value and hence do not deserve my attention. When I am faced with good ideas coming my way, I always ask, is it in alignment with my goals at this time? If it is not, it is just a distraction and does not deserve my attention.

I often get the temptation to start working on some stuff before setting goals and defining my objective. However, from my experience, that does not provide the same results as when you start with the goals in mind. If you do not set the goals first, you are likely going to end up with a whole lot of distractions stealing your time.

Set your goals, stick to the plan and if there is a need, adjust accordingly. If you find yourself getting distracted, reset and get back on track and keep it moving.

3. Progresss over perfection

Do not wait until all the conditions are perfect to get stuff done, get started and learn as go. Making progress is so much better than having a perfect end result.

I want to talk about believing in myself and putting myself out there in this section. I put them under the progress over perfection heading because these are for me the hardest changes I have had to make and I am still working on them.

I am an introvert and I also tend to be a perfectionist and this combination tends to hold me back from opportunities more often than not. Being that I am my greatest critique, it means that many a times I do not feel like my work is good enough. As a result, I might hesitate from sharing it.

As part of making progress, I have been working on a mindset shift in this area and I have to say there has been great improvements so far. I have been purposely pushing myself out of my comfort zone to collaborate with others, to ask for help, to share my posts even when I don't feel like they are perfect.

It is slow progress but it is steady. I am also letting go of the need to see quick changes, quick results and looking at this as a long game. My personal growth is happening slowly but it is happening, my income is growing slowly, but it is growing.

I can keep going because I am not looking for perfection, I am looking for progress and that I can see.

My online business is a long term endeavor, so while I may not be making a full time income now, I am setting a foundation to be able to get that much in the future. I am appreciating the $50 here, $100 there that I am making now while I work towards the thousands I'd love to see.

If you are new to the online entrepreneurship train, I would say, adjust your expectation and that will help you a great deal. Invest your time in learning, being consistent and knowing that success comes slowly but it does come.

I am a strong believer that If You Believe You Can, You Will. And honestly, these last 10 months of me working on my business have been a testament to that.

4. What do you do if you are overwhelmed?

Inevitably in the world of online businesses,you will end up overwhelmed at some point. So what do you do? Does that mean you quit?

No, absolutely not.

If you are feeling overwhelmed, unplug for sometime. Take a day (or a few days) off the business and rest.

Resting will give you clarity and you will be refreshed. Once you have some clarity, get back to work and hustle hard.

As you probably know already, online entrepreneurship is not a get-rich quick scheme. It takes hard work but it can also be a lot of fun.

So don't forget to have fun while you are at it.

~ Debbie

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Recent Comments


Very nice, Debbie! Keep up the GREAT work!


Thanks, Jeff

You're very welcome

Thanks Debbie,

It's easy to get despondent and disillusioned, but persistence is key!

I really got stuck into my site from April this year and have been keeping consistent with posts, SEO and the like - I need to up my game on the social media side however!

That said, I did a search yesterday on Yahoo for my site name (as everything seems to focus on Google, I wanted to see what Yahoo and Bing had). And to my dismay, I've found two sites with almost the same URL and one with the exact same name. Both are related to my niche (personal finance and money). Flip, was I disheartened! I began to think of all my wasted time and effort as if people searched for my site and ended up on theirs, they'd inevitably find similar information (who knows they quality etc. - I haven't delved deeper).

But am I going to throw away all my hard work - no ways! I'll just keep on focussing on my own brand of work and hopefully that brand will hold it's own and overshadow the competition.

There's only one way to find out - to persist.

Thanks for the motivating post - I am now following you :)


Hi Gareth, don't let that discourage you. Keep building your brand and it will stand out. You can worry about the name when you are more established. It's not that hard to do a name change if you ever needed to but I don't think you need to focus on that right now.

Sounds like you are on the right track so let's keep going. I followed you back.

Thank you Debbie, I appreciate the words of encouragement - and thanks for the follow back.
To our continued success! :)

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