I've Come This Far By Faith
I'm really proud of what I've accomplished so far. I actually have a website that still has one snag in the About Me page but other than that I like what I have so far. The lessons have been great and with the exception of Google Authorship, I've been able to complete each one. I think I'd like to change my template because the feedback I've been getting states that my headings are too large, and that I shouldn't use a lavender font color, but that was in the template. I want to add more media to my site, and was glad to learn about Wikimedia to complement work of my own that I'm posting. In the next three months I want to write on my blog more frequently, and perhaps have a guest author with similar theme to mine. The keyword search showed me that there is a market for my niche, I just have to get their attention like the people whose sites I follow. At three months I want to start earning a small income and at six months from now I want to double that income. I want to learn how to make money from people clicking on my site and how to team up with the manufacturers of items I use all the times (related to my niche) and earn a commission from people reading my site and then buying the product. I'm also going to promote the last book I self-published and see if I can make some sells that way. I can't wait to get on to the next series of lessons and learn more. Thank you Kyle, and thank you everyone whose helped me so far! I appreciate all of you.
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Great progress Davida! Moving forward, the BEST thing you can do is this:
Keep finding low competition keywords for your niche and...
Writing new content (new blog posts) targeting each of these keywords.
This is what will bring up your authority and have you start seeing good traffic results as well as sales.
Focus on this task first and foremost then when the traffic comes in consistently, then start trying to sell things to people.
Thanks for writing. I've been so busy with so many things but today I finally wrote a new post to my blog roll. It's been slow going getting traffic but my daughter-in-law has introduced me to some sites that help you get traffic so I'm trying some of them. They're free so we'll see what happens. How are you doing?
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Great goals Davida !!