Home Based Business Ideas ...Vision, Plan, Control
I have learned over the years that those of us who don’t set specific goals are much like leafs in the wind…we just get caught up in the wind and it carries us to wherever it blows. We have no vision defined, no plans in place to get us to where we want to be, and no control over our destinies.
Goals will give us vision, plans to accomplish the vision, and put the control of our destiny into our own hands, and remove the dependency we have on others to get us to where we want to be.
My definition of GOALS is as follows:
Goals specify an exact end result (vision) that we want or need to achieve. By exact, I mean that we take very serious thought, consider WHAT it is that we want to accomplish, and define that as our main objective…
Goals will force us to look at the vision and decide what actions are necessary to make the vision a reality. This force will define the plan-of-action we must take in order to accomplish what we want.
Once the vision is in place and the plan has been defined, goals put the control of our destinies into our own hands…we get to decide what action is to be taken, when and how the actions will be performed, and what results are to be expected from the actions.
Since we’re looking at home based business ideas , I’ll use making a certain amount of money as my end result…vision. As I consider what it is that I want or need, I must ask myself some simple questions…
Why do I want this money?
I am on a fixed income and I really struggle to make ends meet.
I want to help my children with college expenses.
I just love money!!! I'm gonna get all I can.
How much money do I need?
My fixed income is $15,000. I need to double that to $30,000 annual. I need to set $15,000 as
my end-result to have my $30,000.
I have a nice income of $40,000 annual, but have two children ready to enter college. Their
combined tuition is approximately $40,000 annually plus other expenses that would total
$30,000. I need a combined total of approximately $70,000 annually to help them. I’m not going
to put my $40,000 into the equation…that is my living income…I would set $70,000 as my
I just love money and I’m gonna get all I can. I’m gonna be a millionaire!!! I would set
$1,000,000 as my main objective.
I hope you get the idea. We’ve taken a serious, credible look at our wants or needs and defined an end result based on those needs. We now have our goal defined and have set our vision in place.
Now that we have established our vision (main objective), we have indirectly established a starting point and an ending point. In my next article, we will begin to look at the home based business ideas to decide what we are going to use as our “vehicle” to take us from start to finish.
If you begin to take action to silence that cold, cruel, voice within yourself you will soon find that your belief in yourself will start to grow. And setting goals are the beginning action.
David Viscot made the statement, “You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be.”
Recent Comments
Oh, Dave, I love this. I have always had trouble with actually sitting down and making goals. You have inspired me! I am victim to that cold, cruel voice within myself. I do need to believe in myself. I will try this. Thanks!
Thanks Kathy. First, your last statement..."I will try this"...is a part of that cold, cruel voice...telling you that, "I will probably fail with this too." TRY gives you a way out and leaves the door of failure open...Don't try, JUST DO IT. When you do it, you will have such a sense of accomplishment and direction that your belief in yourself will begin to rise. And when you begin to feel that, you are well on the way to the top. Best of luck to you. Thanks again and God bless.
You want be sorry that you take some good quality thought in setting your goals. Don't just write down a quick set of numbers. Be true to yourself and set a main objective that will fulfill what YOU want to accomplish. Thanks and all the best to you.
Thank you. I never realized that writing takes so much time and effort. I'm not where I want to be yet, but it's a work in progress.
yes writing for me also takes effort...never been much of a writer but seems to be getting easier as time goes by..also writing about things I'm more passionate about really helps...and your welcome
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Dave, I so needed that! Thanks and God Bless You too!