I get a kick, out of you.
I have a confession to make, I am not really here to make money,
Sorry, I know it's all about affilate marketing, and I get that,
However, my life is good, I am happy, I am content,
I am not rich, my wife of 35 years and I have worked hard, all our life, and still do,
We have raised two wonderful children, and now have 4 beautiful grand children,
We still both have loving family's, and we all take care of each other,
Life is not a chore, it is a gift, and it should never be taken for granted,
Make the most of it, we only get one,
WA has created an opportunity for me, which I think is priceless,
And that is to be able to be a part of a community of 2 million people worldwide,
I have followed the training, created a site and put the pieces together,
I have not even considered, how am I going to monetise it?
Any feedback or comments, and in my case stories or memories, combined with music,
That people are willing to share with me and the world, gives me greater satisfaction,
Music has the power to bring out emotion, passion, love, and memories,(good and bad)
But it is the universal language of love, and always will be.
They say, Sharing is caring, and in the world we are living in now,
I believe there needs to be more of it,
Have a great weekend everyone, take some time out to listen to some music,
Recent Comments
Great post, Dave! Right now in my journey I am of essentially the same mind! I plan to monetize eventually, but am in no hurry--just enjoying the wild ride!
Whatever my mood I always enjoy listening to music.
I wish you the best. Thanks for sharing.