Finding Time


I have found it really hard to build my website and work full time, just trying to put time aside is difficult as something always comes up, which means I then have to work well into the night just to get basic stuff done, I thought many time to throw in the towel but I like what I have created so far on my site and the WA family is great, I just hope I can pull it off.

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Hey Daquon , I hear you, its hard to stay focused, but I am new here and i find this very exciting but overwhelming, one thing you can try is posting a picture of something you want to purchase in a place that you see everyday and that will help motivate you to work on your projects.

Thank you for giving me more motivation, i have several things I really want, I might make one large picture of everything..

I feel your pain. I can just say I wish I had found that time somehow when I was still working. I'd be so much further now. Hang in there.

Many times I gave up on things that I could have been successful with but I am determined to succeed at WA.I am currently working two jobs and that includes weekends so I find myself just trying to catch up with emails/posts/blogs/followers but I actually love it.I still have not created my website yet so don't feel bad.Hasten slowly.

Keep on going. It's definitely is hard and other days it's easy to say to self "what the hell am I doing" but ... And a big but ... is that once you keep staying consistent and do a little bit day by day you will realize how much you have accomplished in as little as one month.

One tactic that I used to keep me on track is an online journal. I write down and keep track of what I learned and ideas/incites etc. That way when those days I feel like throwing in the towel I can look back over my accomplishments and thoughts and then I am renewed with inspiration and focus. Give that a try if you want it might help.

Best of luck to you otherwise.

Hello Natasha....I can relate with what you are saying. Ever since I came here...I have been juggling my time. I work full time also and I agree that it can be challenging. Just stick to the lessons and socialize only when you have the time or feel comfortable. Take Care...Melanie

Keep going. I suppose we all have our different kinds of pressures and sometimes you may feel that it's too much to carry on. But when you get a better day just use it to the maximum to try and catch up. There will always be up and downs but as one member mentioned there is always a silver lining on the cloud. Capitalize on that and get going. Small steps are OK as long as you do not stop/throw in the towel.

Just keep going a bit at a time, never give up or you will look back with regret, try not to rush, just think when you are older you will have slowly built an empire of passive earnings to keep you in clover. build it over time and don't expect money too soon. you could build yourself a great future income.

Just take your time Natasha, Rome was not built in one day either :-)

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