Get it right, not perfection!

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**Today’s Quote: Champions Keep Playing Until They Get It Right — Billie Jean King**

What does it mean to be a champion? Billie Jean King’s quote reminds us that it’s not about being perfect right away; it’s about persistence. Champions “keep playing” because they know success isn’t instant—it’s a journey of trial, error, and resilience.

Embrace the Process, Not Perfection

Today’s culture often pushes us to seek instant results, but real champions understand that growth takes time. Instead of aiming for perfection, aim to improve little by little. Those small victories—learning from mistakes, celebrating small wins—fuel progress. Champions know each failure teaches them something valuable.

Living or doing things in the fast lane does not give us solid foundation. As the saying goes, practice makes it perfect. Life is not perfect but we can strive to do it right for us.

Turn Setbacks Into Motivation

King’s quote is also about resilience. Champions use failures as fuel; they don’t let setbacks keep them down. Instead, they use each challenge as motivation to come back stronger. When things get tough, remember that failure is part of the journey and can even guide you toward success.

Every negative setback should make us turn it around to a positive growth. Too many people stay back after a negative setback or failure. Too many give up. We can not be comfortable with the failure. We must push ourselves to be uncomfortable in the process.

Enjoy the Grind

A champion’s journey is not only about winning; it’s also about finding joy in the process. Whether you’re working on a big project or tackling personal goals, try to enjoy each step, even when it’s tough. Staying focused on the joy of improvement, rather than just the outcome, will make the journey worthwhile.

Each step we take, we will find the joy, small results and small wins. It shows that we are moving in the right direction to reach the big wins, and successes.

Final Takeaway

Billie Jean King’s message is clear: champions are made by perseverance, not instant wins. Keep showing up, keep learning, and stay committed. The path may be challenging, but if you keep playing, you’ll eventually get it right.

Discipline is key!! Having our mindset in that direction will propel us in the right direction to see massive wins.

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Nice post Cyd! Perfection doesn't exist for me and anyone seeking it will be very disappointed in the end!!

We all just need to strive to be better today than we were yesterday and better tomorrow than we were today!!

Enjoy a wonderful week my friend! :-)

I agree Jessiefido! Thank you!

You're most welcome my friend! :-)

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