5 Months, a new theme and my first sale!


So I am now just days away from my 5 month anniversary date with Wealthy Affiliate! I couldn't be more pleased. I'm learning so much as the days go by, and now that I've done the groundwork for my website (which will obviously always be a work in progress) I've also really started delving into Social Networking. This is something I was introduced to about two months ago, and has been a crash course. It's been stressful and time consuming, and I've been hit or miss with my consistency. I'll be honest, the social sharing aspect for me has been nothing short of a nightmare, mainly because I don't get on social media much anyway. Facebook has always been in my life, but none of the others. In hindsight, I don't think I would have signed up for Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, etc, all on the same day. I now know with my personality that the choice to do that was an overwhelming one for me.

I'm still trying to find my groove and a nice balance between publishing stories, informational articles, sales and promos, and pages or posts on my website. The social sharing is quite the multitasking chore! Between sharing on Google+, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter and my personal FB, and then sharing from my BackpackingRuffian FB page to all of the groups and networks I've become an active part of, there's so much retweeting and liking and following and sharing that my head starts to spin!

Just in the past few weeks I've really begun to grasp the importance of polishing up my organizational skills. I have a "Daily" notepad saved on my laptop that I'll open and just run down the list of things I know I need to do. This has saved me both time and headache! It's much easier just to read a task and then go do it, than trying to remember what the task was, what have I not done, what did I already do, so on and so forth.

I've also experienced my first (and hopefully last!) theme change. The free theme I had been using was pretty awful on mobile, even though it claimed it was "Mobile Friendly." I checked out some other travel blogs for ideas, chatted a bit with several members of WA, shopped around and finally made a decision on purchasing a theme called Soledad. The first 72 hours were brutal! Terrifying even! I wanted to turn back! All of my content, images, font styles and sizes, menus and widgets had just been tossed about! Nothing was in order and in an instant it looked like a virtual tornado had devastated all of my hard work! But I stuck with it and now I couldn't be happier with the results! Persistence and determination have really begun paying off.

Speaking of paying off, I've also made my first sale! This has opened a new door to another whole learning curve. Where do I see what I sold? Where did the conversion happen? What is the dollar amount for a payout? What time frame are we looking at? I've started the process of looking into every single one of my affiliate networks to get the information I need where sales are concerned. My plate is full these days, but it's what I'm in this for!

From Day One I've been saying that I couldn't be happier with the support and community I've received here at WA, and it still rings true today! For those of you who are not yet members, check this out! http://bit.ly/2ePIfVM

I wish each one of you every success on your online journeys as we accomplish our dreams together!


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Recent Comments


Well done, Courtney! I'm thrilled it's all going well for you. Change can be terrifying, but you are just pushing through. That's awesome!

Thanks so much! It's been a fun journey thus far!

It sounds like you have had a pretty steep learning curve, so far, but you have a great attitude, so congratulations on that sale and here's to next couple of them which should happen any time now!

Yes I've never been much of a tech savvy person... or one who enjoys sitting in front of a computer. BUT with that said, I do enjoy traveling and I'm passionate about others getting out there and living their lives the way they were intended to! And that makes it all worth it (since I've got a travel site, that is!) Thanks so much for the comment and good luck to you too!

I will accept your good luck wishes and extend mine:

LUCK (Labor Under Correct Knowledge, that is)

Love success stories. Persistence pays. Just like Ray Krock

Hahaha true! Although I'm not quite sure I'll become THAT successful! But I suppose I'll be the only one stopping myself if I start thinking that way!

That is one of the best review of Wealthy Affiliates I have read! Nice job.

Hey Craig! Thanks so much for reading it! I'm excited! Good to see you!

I know it wasn't meant to be a review of Wealthy Affiliates. But that's exactly how it reads. A Soft Sell. All you need is a Call to Action.

I'm picking up what you're putting down :-)

Congratulations. Keep up the good work.

Thanks so much, Pablo! You as well!

That's awesome! We must not give up, but continue going forward, because it will happen.


Thanks, Louisa! It's so true -- Just keep going! Hope you are well!

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