A new begining
Well, a lot has happened since my last blog.
I have now finished my main IT contract role and currently decorating my house so I can rent it out.
I have now decided to go to Thailand early next year for an initial 3 months with the view at getting a retirement visa and starting my affiliate career from there. I have spent months researching a good base to stay and Chiang Mai seems to tick all the boxes. I have worked out I can get £750 rent for my house and out in thailand I can rent a really nice apartment for £200 which leave me £550 a month for food and other things which is more then enough. With the warm weather and a more chilled out environment I should be able to crack on with my affiliate work. Anyone else out in Thailand from the Wealthy Affiliate community ?
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The very best of luck. I'm sure the chilled environment will be a great setting for allowing you to focus on your IM activities. Just make sure you don't do too much chilling!
Hi, yes I will certainly need to try to focus on the task ahead as it will be tempting just to wander out and chill out on the beach.
Hi David welcome to WA. I like your way of thinking. You get to live in a piece of paradise without the need to build your business quickly and generate income.
All the best,
Yes, I am hoping that with a more relaxed atmosphere I will be able to concentrate more and get some good progress.
Hi there, good to see you have a plan and I wish you all the best with it. Keep us updated on how it goes please,
Yes I certainly will, once I have set up base there I hope to be on here a lot more with updates and also asking questions.
I spent last summer in Bangkok. My family is from there. I think you've got the right idea! Have fun in Chiang Mai!
Hi Pookywelch, I have been to Bangkok many times and always enjoy the experience and discover new things to see and do. Chiang Mai seems like Bangkok but on a smaller scale.As this will be my first time to Chiang Mai I will be exploring the area and seeing if it is somewhere where I would like to set up base.
Thailand, wow thats a hell of a move. Why did you choose that location? But I like your goal and it seems like a lot of fun.
Hi David, I chose Thailand because it's always left me wanting to go back. The people there are always so friendly and happy and always make you feel welcome. you can live a very rewarding life out there for far less money then in western society.
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I am not in Thailand but I have been there about 15 years ago.We went as a package deal 4 nights in Bangkok and 11 nights in Pattaya which is the more lively resort.Chiang Mai I believe has an elephant sanctuary.We went on the elephants neck and down into the river,very refreshing on a hot day.