There is no, "FREE LUNCH!"

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One of the words that is seriously misused is the word, "FREE!" I'm a bacon lover, so when this particular supermarket advertised, 'Buy 1 Package of (name brand) Bacon, Get One Free", Well, I tried to call it like I saw it..." Why should I buy one, when I can get one, "FREE?" I only needed "ONE", so I settled for the freebie! As I strolled PAST the checkout counter, "HEY, YOU GOTTA PAY FOR THAT, OR I'M CALLIN' THE COPS.!"

There's probably no true business that you can start for "FREE". What would you say your time is worth? A small investment at most? Whenever you look for "FREE", amazingly there's a cost involved, even if it's only a moment of your time. And that, my friend is what I'm sayin to you. A business of this sort takes your time... and that's not "free time". So you say, "I gotta a lot of 'FREE' time on my hand"... Well, if you don't use it, you LOSE it. You can't redeem it later.

My strong opinion is that if you use all that "free" time to conduct WA business, you'll reap great rewards as a result, but if you have NO time on your hands for this business, it'll show in your bank account.

Invest some quality time towards your goals. THERE IS NO FREE LUNCH. Put some stock into your plans, and make the life you wish for yourself obtainable.

You know the sayin", "Time Is Money..." So press ahead and...."OH MY!!! GOTTA GO, TIME IS GETTIN' AWAY FROM ME"...

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It all depends how you perceive what is "Free lunch" friend. If a business is selling something and they claimed that you will get this or that for free with your order, then that is the oldest business trick ever.
The "free lunch" that comes with the order are already factored in with the purchased of the product. For businesses that truly give out "free lunch or free stuffs", they can afford to do so as they are thinking that there is a chance you'll actually buy from them.
As for our goals, we need to keep working on them. Time is money and when we lose it we can't make up for it or can't redeem it later as you've pointed out. So whatever plan we may have on a given day, it must be carried out or stagnation will kick in. All the best!

Well said, Cornelius! I also tried to explain to my kids that nothing in this world is for free, there is a trade-off somewhere!


Make hay while the sun shines as they say

Very true. We all have time, it's up to us how we use it.

This is do true Cornelia, we have to use all our opportunity that we have or else we will lose it.
Nothing in life is free

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