Hi, I am Tim. I joined Wealthy Affiliate in 2015 after deciding it was time for a change. I no longer wanted to slave away in a job I didn't enjoy, just to get by. To me, that seemed like a waste of a life. So, after fai


Skillset & Experience

In this class, I'll be sharing some advanced copywriting strategies you can use to boost your results. Persuasion is an art, and understanding its principles will set you apart. From scarcity to authority, you'll learn to weave psychological triggers throughout your copy for greater impact.

You will also learn how to build trust and credibility with your writing, how to overcome common objections, how to create a sense of urgency to drive more sales, and other important elements that can help turbocharger your success as an affiliate.

TimMcKinlay69.3K followers

Success with affiliate marketing hinges on data, not gut feelings. It's one thing to create what you think is amazing copy, but in the end, testing is critical to finding out what (actually) converts.

And that's why A/B testing is so important. It helps you figure out what is and isn't working based on very specific criteria (like how much revenue one piece of copy makes over another).

In this class, I'll walk you through the process of setting up a simple and effective A/B test to help you figure out what is working best for you. I will also show you how to determine WHY one variant outperformed the other, as this will help you refine your future copy.

TimMcKinlay69.3K followers

So far in this Series, we've discussed the core principles and strategies that go into creating highly effective copy. In this class, we'll be putting what we've discussed into practice.

I'll start by showing you how to complete a 'pre-flight' checklist and create a framework before you start writing. Then, I'll walk you through specific examples of how to create copy in different scenarios and to meet different business objectives. These examples are specifically tailored for affiliate marketing so that you can use what you learn to start getting real results in your business.

TimMcKinlay69.3K followers

As an affiliate, every piece of content you create should serve a distinct purpose, aiming toward a specific objective. Whether your aim is to get more traffic, generate more sales, increase email sign-ups, or something else entirely... your copy must be tailored to meet your objectives. If you know what you're aiming for, you can craft messages that hit the mark every time.

At the same time, your copy needs to serve as the solution to your visitor's problem. In essence, your copy needs to offer your visitors THE solution they've been looking for, while also helping you achieve your objectives as an affiliate.

In this class, I'll be discussing these concepts in detail to prepare you to create the most effective copy possible within ANY niche you enter as an affiliate.

TimMcKinlay69.3K followers

Knowing your audience isn't just helpful; it's the bedrock of creating copy that converts. So, you must dig deep to understand your readers if you want to be successful, and that's exactly what we'll be covering in this class.

First up, we'll explore the reasons why understanding your audience is crucial. Then, I'll show you how to research your niche and use what you learn to build an 'avatar' of your typical website visitor. This step will help you gain a deep understanding of who you are talking to when you create your copy, which is critical because the better you know your audience, the more effective your copy will be at persuading your audience to take action.

By the end of this class, you will know exactly why audience research is critical, how to do it properly, and how to use what you learn to generate more revenue as an affiliate.

TimMcKinlay69.3K followers