
Creating your own "template" or pattern of writing can be the difference between TRUE CONSISTENCY in your writing and a BIG OLD UNORGANIZED MESS when it comes to creating content! Let's make sure you get the points across that are necessary for good SEO and create a GREAT USER EXPERIENCE that always sets you up for the most potential success when it comes to CONVERSIONS!

EricCantu13.9K followers

Site links are a lovely feature within the search engine listings where you have additional search results right below your original search result! In this live class, you will learn how to get site links within your own Google search results.

magistudios35.4K followers

Once you've chosen your niche, it's time to be efficient about driving TRAFFIC to your content! Let's break down one of the most critical aspects of affiliate marketing: keyword research. I'm going to show you how to get the MOST out of your tools and get YOU in control! We don't let our tools use us! We take control and USE THEM to their MAX! Let's dive into how to do keyword research using Jaaxy as a starting point and then getting our hands dirty with GOOGLE to find INCREDIBLE opportunities to RANK!

EricCantu13.9K followers

Indoor Lighting is a huge niche/category, with many more specific "facets" that you can tap into as an affiliate marketer. The opportunities are vast, and the audience is one of the more "free spending" ones online. In this class I am going to spend an hour dissecting this niche, and showing you some high yielding research strategies that produce incredible keywords, affiliate programs, and opportunity insights into the indoor lighting world.

Kyle2.4M followers

Featured Snippets are also known as Position 0. This is where your Google search results is pushed right up to the top and in many cases.. past the Ads! In this exciting live class you will learn how to work with your site to increase the likelihood of attaining Featured Snippets.

magistudios35.4K followers