Let Go To Familiar Faces
Hey WA Family,
Well, I had to let go of some friends today. When you tell someone that you work from home; they may think that means to take up all of your time. I was talking to some friends about my websites but they didn't want to really hear about it. They wanted to talk about unnecessary stuff that had no importance to talk about.
I kept telling them I had to go. They kept telling me I got time since I work at home. Do they know how much work you have to do running my own business from home? No!!! They were really starting to upset me in the worse way. I told them I had a lot things to take care of, which they didn't care to know about.
At that point, I had enough of the foolery. I grabbed my stuff and left. I was hearing a lot of mean back lashes of me just not wanting to spend time with them as I was walking away. That wasn't the case at all.
It would've been different if I had the time to waste but I didn't. I felt they didn't respect what I was doing because I didn't have a normal 9 to 5 to complain about like they did so my job at home didn't matter to them. Well, it very well matters to me and that's why I had to let them go.
Does anyone else has this issue with friends or family around them?
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You are so right about that. True friends don't make fun of your passion. They rather want to be apart of it or figure how to make their passion come about too. I will have to make new friends which is no problem for me to do.
This has just been a hard week from the hurtful things I heard I thought I would never hear so-called friends say because I wanted to change my way of life for the better.
You will always find out who your true friends are in the end.
Chrisie, Sorry to hear you may have lost friends. I say may because there can always be a chance friendships are not broken.
I have learned to have set business hours, you know, when I am working and not available for casual talk or whatever.
For the most part, it works (took some struggle at the first).
Best of luck to you and don't give up on your friends. The comments as you were leaving? Just friends showing off to other friends, ok?
To Success!
That it may. I told them numerous times when I am available or not. They never took that into consideration. I guess I am tired of repeating myself.
Hopefully, they won't take me as a joke now that I'm working from home that I am serious. And not a time to just pop up to my house all casually whenever they want to.
However, these are not those type of friends to think of others. They want to have fun when they want to have fun not when you have time.
Hopefully, the new me can get a better set of new friends that can respect me working from home:-).
First of all we would like to validate you. Your business is important, and your time is valuable. I'm sure their behavior was very hurtful and disappointing .
With that being said, people do not know, what they do not know .Please do not let them distract you from your journey .
To answer your question ” does anyone else have this issue with family or friends ”
Scarlett and I both have had to learn to love some family members from a distance, It is just healthier this way .
Life is interesting huh?
Always look for the silver lining because it is there.
Much blessings to us all !
Elaine $ Scarlett
Thank you so much for your kind words. I really needed to hear that. People think it's easy working at home. It's not as easy as it sounds.
I'm learning every day who are my friends or enemies. There are so many enemies when you're trying to do something for yourself.
Thanks again for kind words :-)
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don't be too hard on your friends... they don't understand what it means to work from home... I had many situations when people could not understand why I am so busy...