About ChrisHiew
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295 followers Joined April 2020
Hey there, l am Chris from Malaysia and it is my pleasure to meet you within this great Wealthy Affiliate community:) I am a proud dad





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asked in
Website Development & Programming

Hey WA family,

I have an issues with my site as the Time To First Byte (TTFB) on most of my posts is higher than the optimal and is affecting my mobile speed. Am using

Great question and great answers

Do you have SitePlus+ set to Accelerated or Extreme? And do you have the Asset Cleanup plugin and/or a Cache plugin installed?

Set to Extreme. No l don't have as Site Support say it's not required. The Thrive Theme Builder has come with Smush Plugin (free version), which l have installed, but l have not installed the W3 Cache Plugin (free version).

I am thanking you in advance for your further advice.

SiteSupport have blanket answers, to cover 95% of members here, but when you have issues or advanced needs, you are allowed to alter a little bit ;-) I tried W3 Cache Plugin, as well as few others, when I first joined WA, and they do not work due to the architecture of WA, however, WP Rocket and Hummingbird do work successfully. If you use either of these then SitePlus+ must be set to Accelrated, and not to Extreme, for it to work. Smush is the plugin to use for images, just make sure you have deactivated Kraken as well.

Thank you very much.

This is going to be a tough one to figure out. It would require access to the theme files. There are quite a lot factors that could cause a site slowdown
Number of images
Size of images
Image optimization
Efficiency of theme files, css files, php files

One thing you can do is change the theme to a simpler one like GeneratePress, then check your speeds.

This could help in determining what kind of speed differences your getting.

You can also look at getting those theme files and setting up a local server on your home computer, just so you can dive into them, chop em up, dissect them and see whats under the hood without jeopardizing your main website. Warning, this could lead to overdoses of coffee, losing massive amounts of time and possible missing work.

Hope this helps you a little bit!

Thank you, Jeff, for your great advice. I am regrettably having installed the Thrive Theme Builder as it causes so many problems.

But there one problem, transferring my post from Thrive Theme to another theme - GeneratePress is tedious and might break my site.

I am thinking of hiring an expert from Fiverr to help me to upload my posts/pages to GeneratePress.

Have a lovely weekend.


You could ask SiteSupport to create a Staging Website for you, so that you can make the changes without affecting your main website. Once everything is converted over and you are happy, then they can move the files back to your main website.

Thank you Chrystopher, I will ask site support to create a Staging Website for me.


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How to reduce time to first byte?

How to reduce time to first byte?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

Hey WA family,

I have an issues with my site as the Time To First Byte (TTFB) on most of my posts is higher than the optimal and is affecting my mobile speed. Am using

Great question and great answers

Do you have SitePlus+ set to Accelerated or Extreme? And do you have the Asset Cleanup plugin and/or a Cache plugin installed?

Set to Extreme. No l don't have as Site Support say it's not required. The Thrive Theme Builder has come with Smush Plugin (free version), which l have installed, but l have not installed the W3 Cache Plugin (free version).

I am thanking you in advance for your further advice.

SiteSupport have blanket answers, to cover 95% of members here, but when you have issues or advanced needs, you are allowed to alter a little bit ;-) I tried W3 Cache Plugin, as well as few others, when I first joined WA, and they do not work due to the architecture of WA, however, WP Rocket and Hummingbird do work successfully. If you use either of these then SitePlus+ must be set to Accelrated, and not to Extreme, for it to work. Smush is the plugin to use for images, just make sure you have deactivated Kraken as well.

Thank you very much.

This is going to be a tough one to figure out. It would require access to the theme files. There are quite a lot factors that could cause a site slowdown
Number of images
Size of images
Image optimization
Efficiency of theme files, css files, php files

One thing you can do is change the theme to a simpler one like GeneratePress, then check your speeds.

This could help in determining what kind of speed differences your getting.

You can also look at getting those theme files and setting up a local server on your home computer, just so you can dive into them, chop em up, dissect them and see whats under the hood without jeopardizing your main website. Warning, this could lead to overdoses of coffee, losing massive amounts of time and possible missing work.

Hope this helps you a little bit!

Thank you, Jeff, for your great advice. I am regrettably having installed the Thrive Theme Builder as it causes so many problems.

But there one problem, transferring my post from Thrive Theme to another theme - GeneratePress is tedious and might break my site.

I am thinking of hiring an expert from Fiverr to help me to upload my posts/pages to GeneratePress.

Have a lovely weekend.


You could ask SiteSupport to create a Staging Website for you, so that you can make the changes without affecting your main website. Once everything is converted over and you are happy, then they can move the files back to your main website.

Thank you Chrystopher, I will ask site support to create a Staging Website for me.


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