Premature Exasperation
I had some time to kill so I spent it writing site comments. A good productive use of my time as I need comments on my own site. I've noticed that a lot of sites pop up a box requesting my email as soon as the page comes up.
I don't pretend to be a marketing expert, but just speaking as a visitor, I think that's way too soon. Let's say I found your site based on your article, "The three best flat screen monitors" But on arrival before I see the first word or image you're asking me for my contact information. Well you haven't earned it yet have you? In fact it feels like a bait and switch.
Now i'm not actually there as as a result of any marketing on your part. I'm there to complete a mutually beneficial transaction. I want to leave you a comment based on your content that you can easily engage with.
Making googlebots happy, you happy and eventually me happy when someone else does the same for me.
But now suddenly I'm in the mood to give you feedback instead. Which is not what you asked for. So instead I just leave. I think its important that the first thing your visitor sees is evidence that he is in the right place and has found whatever he was looking for on your page.
Recent Comments
Those intrusive popups give a poor user experience. And Google doesn't like poor user experiences. Thanks for pointing this out Chazz.
Yeah, I figure if I don't like it your customer probably won't either.