Week 6 Progress


It's official!  My 6th week at WA, complete!

Looking back on last week, I'm very excited at all the work I finished.  I completely redesigned my web page (fresh new look! haha) and completed around 10 more articles.  All in all, I'd say it was a fairly productive week.

I still don't have the hang of setting up my own email responder, but I think that will come with time.  People are telling me that most responders cost money, and that is understandable... but I've got things to invest that money into at this point.  I know it will all come together in time.

I think this blog has been what's really kept me going in terms of WA.  I have to admit, there have been days where I've thought to myself "is this really worth it, am I really going to get anywhere doing this?"

Then I look back, and see all that I've achieved.  I've learned so much.  A month ago, you could have never asked me to make a website, now I have one of my very own up and running, and I'm proud to say it's mine!  On top of that, I remember when EZA rejected ten of my articles, all because they didn't like a link in my resource box.  I took it personally, and it wasn't until I found out that it had nothing to do with the content in the articles that I calmed down and re-asserted myself.  

I now have 15 articles live, and I just submitted four more today!  Things are on the move, and they're only getting better.  As always, I look forward to what tomorrow holds, and I am forever grateful to the members at WA that have made my trip an easier one.

Speaking of which, I need to expand my WA Spaces network, I think I'll work on that for the next week haha.

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Recent Comments


Great. It will be even better once the money starts rolling in. And with the amount of work you are doing, it won't be long before that happens.

btw, i purchased my domain on namecheap.com ~

Hey congratulations! good job! :)

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