Course 4Lesson 7
Hellow Wealthy Affiliate Friends!
I'm working through lesson 7 of course 4 right now and I'm writing a blog post because that's what it tells me to do!
One thing I can say is that with every course and every lesson, I've made sure to take action and do what is suggested before clicking the little box and moving on the the next lesson. I think that's key in moving forward because I've learned so much this far. They say that if you can overcome your fear and take action the first time, doing it the next time and over and over gets easier. I know that to be true.
I'm hoping to be done with Course 4 by the end of this week and get through 5 next week. One thing that has slowed me down is writing new posts for my website
You can go check out what I've done up to this point and let me know what you think in the comments if you would like. I love criticism because it gets me out of my comfort zone.
It takes me awhile to write new content because I want so badly to be promoting things and making money! I've written about 10 posts this far and I'm hoping it will start to get easier! I know that will come with time though and I have a LOT to learn still!
One of the challenging parts for me has been finding the right affiliate offers for me. I also find it somewhat difficult to incorporate them into my writing in a natural way. I try not to spew what I'm selling!
Something else that I'm pretty proud of is my progress in learning how to use WordPress. It was a challenge for me, but I kept following the videos and now I've learned to navigate and find what I need for the most part. I'm still learning how to organize my content and I might be asking for some help with that in the near future, but, like I said, the first time is the hardest, then the 2nd time is simpler!
My next goal after getting through course 5 is to move on to the Affiliate Bootcamp. I'm excited to get started in that and create another possible (most likely;) stream of income and I'm working on a DMO.
Thats all for now. Let me know what you think of my website if you have time to check it out!
Thanks for all your encouragement and support!
Recent Comments
Keep pushing forward! You got this! One post at a time.
I hope to take action soon as well. Lets go!
Also, you might want to add your website to your profile. You add them below your profile pic.
Awesome article on CBD oil, I shared the article on social media paths. The only thing I saw was in the first paragragh, you wrote fasted and I think you wanted fastest. Other then that, awesome writing. I've actually been thinking of this for myself, at 57 years old, I have a lot of aches and pains.
Kenny, thanks for checking out my blog about CBD. I just realized I don't have any links to my CBD website for more info and to order so I went back and added some! Let me know if you want more info;) Thanks so much for visiting and critiquing my writing. Much appreciated!
Keep up the good work, Cassie! When you're excited about promoting things and making money that should make you excited to write content! When you do reviews or when you do articles relevant to your niche, think of it no differently than if you were a writer for a magazine. You have your audience who is looking to you for help in certain areas and you're going to connect them with those products and services that will help them the most. It's all about giving your audience the best possible user experience and it makes content writing that much easier :) Keep up the good work!
Thanks so much for the advice! I will keep the magazine audience in mind and look for ways to help them!
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