Lesson 4 of Bootcamp Phase 3: Social Waste Vs Productivity

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Social Waste Vs Productivity

This lesson was great training! It was right on time and it addressed my social media behavior. I was definitely spending way too much time on my social media connections, and a lot of the time it had nothing to do with business. It was like a trance sometimes, caught up in the gossip, and with the "need to know" part of social media.

I was not being a PRODUCTIVE worker!

My focus was not on how I could increase productivity on a daily basis, with that said how was I then going to accomplish the results I wanted? How can we expect to have a successful business if we are not being a productive worker on a daily basis?

Doing a lot with little time!

We need to avoid distractions by creating a list of goals' to help us to avoid many of those distractions. Daily and weekly goals'! At the beginning of a week creating daily goals' to assist me with what I want to accomplish in that week meant I had to be precise, organized, and efficient. I had to really think about these goals', and create a plan of action that maps out where I want to go. Part of creating daily and weekly goals' means we have to create a plan on how we will accomplish doing what we don't necessarily like doing but is vital to our business that we do it. This was difficult for me because procrastination always set in when it comes to having to do the dirty work (for lack of better words).

Putting time limits on our tasks/goals' alike.

We need to set strict time limits on particular tasks and goals'! Deadlines, set aside 30-60 minutes to just write. As mentioned earlier no disruptions or distractions will allow productivity to take place. I thought I was doing myself a favor by multi-tasking, but I was actually being distracted and allowing my attention to be all over the place. No real structure, and no real focus! The time limit approach increased my focus and I saw a clear increase in productivity.

So Avoid Being a Multi-Tasker!

So if we are maintaining a high degree of effort over time we will have a deep and very positive impact on our success.

The key?

Sustained effort is the key!


Because we want our online business to be sustainable and successful, that's why!

So let's be productive online business owners!

We got this!

Tell me what's your strategy for being productive and sustaining productivity?

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My strategy is setting goals that are timebound.

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