Free Facebook Traffick?

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Hello everyone!

Been a while and that's my fault. Took a little break from WA and working on my website, but now I'm back in the saddle. I've been trying to come up with something to blog about. So I thought about a crazy experience that happened back in late 2021. I had forgotten about this until this morning.

Hurricane Ida hit Louisiana on August 29, 2021 and caused significant damage all over South Louisiana. My home was spared thank God! But many were not so lucky.

Anyways, sometime later that year I received a Facebook message from some dude on my friends list. I didn't know him personally but sometimes random people send me a friend request. I'll give their profile a quick glance to make sure it's a real person and if it is I'll just accept the request.

Super nice fella. He was like, "Hey, I see that you live in Louisiana. How did you do with the hurricane?" or something like that.

Before I replied, I checked out his profile and I could tell that he was some kind of internet marketer.

I clicked his link on his profile and it took me to a landing page where I signed up for some free training about earning commissions on hight-ticket affiliate products using free traffic from Facebook. Just had to give my name and email of course, so I did.

By now, I can sniff out a scam when I see/hear one but what this guy was selling made sense to me. It's such a wacky idea but it makes sense. All I had to do was watch his 45 minute video.

I wanted to learn more so I checked it out and wanted to share a brief summary of it with ya'll.

Basically, the idea is to jazz your Facebook profile up with a professional-looking cover photo and profile picture.

Place a link on your Facebook profile that leads to whatever offer you wish to promote. But they say this particular strategy works well for high-ticket offers.

Go into different "Make Money Online Facebook Groups" and add people who seem like potential buyers to your friends list.

Then it becomes somewhat like email marketing. Your friends list is your "email list".

You network with them through Facebook messenger. The idea is to build trust with your new friends and eventually pitch them an offer (preferably a high-ticket offer). Then you make that money!

Then this guy pitched me the offer to buy this course that teaches you all these tips and tricks on how to make this work.

He wanted a lot of money for this product/service so I told him to take a hike.

I don't know. The whole idea sounds wacky to me but I can also see how it could work if you were able to build trust with your friends list and followers.

I don't recommend that anyone breaks away from the valuable training at WA. I'm guilty of doing that when I see a "bright shiny object" on Clickbank or something like this Facebook networking idea.

But lately I try to spend as much time as possible working on my website using the training found here at WA.

And the rewards are higher rankings, more traffic, and more opportunity! 😁👍

Hope ya'll are having a lovely day.

Until next time,


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Yes, there are many “gurus” out there selling high ticket training in the “make money online” niche. The problem is they all have no problem selling a high ticket item but the item or product does not justify the high price.

Interesting message

Wow what an image, I love it :) 😍😍😍

Thank you! I'm having fun with that AI Image creator.

That's really fantastic, Billy! Way to go!

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