The power of community


Now is the only time there is. Make your now wow, your minutes miracles, and your days pay. Your life will have been magnificently lived and invested, and when you die you will have made a difference.”

Mark Victor Hansen

Way before Mark was really famous I helped promote a 90 minute seminar he did here in Albuquerque in 1990. His sincerity and enthusiasm were contagious. It was almost 2 years before the book “Chicken Soup for the Soul” would be published…

But that’s for another post…


Parts of Texas are truly under water in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey.

I have friends with friends there that related that they were grateful that they only had a few inches of water in their house instead of losing everything like some of their neighbors.

From where I live in Albuquerque, New Mexico it’s a 13 hour drive to Houston, Texas where many people are hurting.

One of my friends, Jim Dearholt of Dearholt Automotive helped organize a small outreach from Albuquerque business and citizens to help our Texas neighbors.

A neighborhood bakery is baking 300 to 500 loaves of bread tonight. Here’s their Facebook page with details (you have to scroll down a bit)

A small group of Jim’s friends in the automotive business here in Albuquerque has quickly put together 3 semi-trucks and the local community has already filled them with diapers and pallets of water and granola bars and bags of dog food and baby formula and Baby wipes and Socks and t-shirts and underwear and canned food and blankets.

A business group that I belong to - Community Business Builders of Albuquerque wrote a check for $500 today for the gas for 1 of the 3 trucks and one of our members, Jean McLeod wrote a matching check for $500.

All night tonight in Albuquerque a couple dozen people are volunteering to finish all that baking and loading the trucks.

It’s truly a “drop in the bucket” for what Houston needs, but it’s OUR drop and we are grateful that we are safe, warm and dry and able to help.

30,000 people in Houston slept in shelters last night and the rain that fell in the last 5 days in Houston is equal to the approximate 10 YEAR rainfall in Albuquerque and...

The power of community is amazing.

Bill Bateman (like Batman with an “E” in the middle)

PS - if you are looking for “community” while you find your way in the Entrepreneurial world you should visit me and my friends in the Wealthy Affiliate community. We help each other too. Doesn’t matter whether you are a free member looking for education or a paid member building an online empire. “Wealthy” is not measured in what you have as much as in what you can give

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Just an update, by the time the "caravan" left Albuquerque 2 nights ago, the 3 Semi Trucks had grown to 10 with tens of thousands of dollars worth of supplies and several dozen people. Here's to their safe travels.

I love that you write about community. It is the essence to me of how we choose to inter relate knowing that ultimately no matter what we are all connected. As long as we are there to extend a hand,in whatever way we choose, life flows in beauty.
thank you!
WA is inspiring..yes?

It is an inspirational community, Wealth Affiliate. Despite much difference of opinion in the world (and the country) we are much more alike than different I think.

A helpful piece of sharing. I appreciate that. Yes life's worth is not measured in receiving but in giving.

I believe that. Thank you for your thoughts.

I really resonate with what you wrote. Here in Arkansas a lady is also loading a u-haul taking similar supplies as you mentioned above. One of my family members, son-in-law's wife, works for the Red Cross and she is the director of disaster relief for the entire state of Texas. She lives in Austin. Her husband doesn't know when she will be coming home. Needless to say she has her hands full as do all who are pitching in to help. And that is truly what life is about---community and sharing, looking out for one another. Unfortunately, sometimes it takes a disaster to wake us up to this realization. But despite what the news says there are many wonderful, giving people in this world. Thanks for this post and the reminder of who and what we are at the heart level.

My pleasure and thank you for your well-said response.

Togetherness will be the strongest foundation for humanity as we are all social beings

I know you're right. Thanks for your thoughts.

You are welcome

It sure can be.

The helping and pay it forward spirit is alive and well in Texas and Louisiana Bill!

It is "alive and well" AND we have to be vigilant. Long term many lives will never be the same and help with be needed long after the media has moved on to their next "crisis"

There is strength in numbers and a
Common purpose.

No doubt about it. The power of people is amazing.

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