Interviewing an expert in my niche really paid off!
Today as I was creating content for a section in my site I had been struggling with, a thought occurred to me. Though I am very passionate about the niche I have selected I am hardly an expert in it yet. What information will I be able to offer someone who may actually know more about the niche than I do?
So I turned to an expert within the field.
Turns out it was a great idea! He was more than happy to discuss our mutual affection for high quality man caves (the niche by the way) plus he provided me with a good deal of photos, plus an interview I used as part of the content on my page.
I highly recommend finding a like minded individual within your niche and reach out to them for their expertise. Thanks for reading, and good luck to everyone on their journey!
P.S. For those interested the page was
Recent Comments
Very respectable website, too.
Thank you so much Jen