Going The Distance


The definition of ''FOCUS'' is the center of interest or activity. My business, my website has not been my focus for about 2 months now..but I'm back.

I took on a task that I did not realize would consume me physically and mentally for it's duration. The mental part was probably my need to seek perfection in anything that I choose to do for someone else. I worry a bit less when it's my own project although I always try to do my very best in all endeavor.


I Got Mail - My husband returned one day from the mailbox and in the delivery that day was a letter from Amazon...What???...opened it to find a cheque (1st one) in the amount of..$xxx.. the amount doesn't really matter...I was shocked, because I have not been working on my business online in weeks...Thank you WA!!!...it can be done

A Referral - When I first joined WA, not too long ago...I was telling all my family members who I knew to be active online about the opportunities to be an affiliate marketer or start doing business online. Didn't know they were even listening to me. I was recently approached by someone in need of a website to launch their business online because a family member told them about me. She has since joined the WA community. Word of mouth worked.

My WA community - I did check in with happenings within my WA community. I had some people join my network and I have now acknowledge them and is now following all who followed me. Thank you all.

A Plus - I can't find it right now...but I did receive an e-mail congratulating me on my 6 months here at WA. It's a great place to be, so I'm getting back to learning and earning here.

The Blue Project is how I now refer to the kitchen redo I was working on...If I never see a can of Blue paint again it would be too soon.

The client wanted these IKEA kitchen cabinets to be painted in Midnight Blue. FYI...darker colors are the hardest to work with...they show up any and all imperfections. I did 36 doors of different sizes (both sides) not to mention the repairs and hole filling that had to be done. Because they are kitchen doors - lots and lots of degreasing.

I do love to paint and this was a paying job..I think the project was really just too big for my little workshop. Drying time was the worst. Thanks to Fusion Mineral paint for their easy to work with products.

Looking forward to interacting with everyone and FOCUS on my business.

Thanks for stopping by and liking what you read.


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Recent Comments


Hi Beverley,
Great things happen even when we are not aware of it. Congrat's on your sale and also your referral. Thanks for sharing your update.

Thanks Jerome

You finished your painting job and in the meantime you got a referral. That is called passive income, Beverley!

You persevered with your painting and you succeeded

Hi, I enjoyed the share. Irv.

Thanks for sharing!

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