"Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child" is Not a Biblical Reference

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Yes "spare the rod spoil the child" is mentioned in the Bible, but for this post it is not a biblical reference.

Children are the epitome of How Adulthood should be. Don't ever believe so called Growing up is a good thing. Growing up creates Adults that are on a vicious cycle and a tangled web; we ALL weaved.

"Follow along... , turn around... Hush, stop talking... leave that alone... Walk faster, you move too slow"

We have all heard these terms before spoken by an Authority figure trying to limit our activities and control our behaviors.

Rod of Correction - Spoil me I'm tender

In Today's society, children must be nurtured and case work controlled. Each child deserves one on one attention regularly from family, friends and mentors, if needed.

How do we do that with 5 children and working a job?

You can't, children suffer daily; problems within parental relationships manifest. Children never really get to know their parents, wholeheartedly.

Each child deserves an hour, at least, of their parents time individually, each day. If more is needed, take it.

And if you work then YOU must find a way. See the working system is set up to where we are separated from our child(ren) too many hours of the day; and THAT MUST END.

Luckily, Affiliate Marketing exist for Stay at Home Parents, like myself.

One of the first groups I joined on Facebook in 2011 was S.A.H.M -arts and crafty group with beautiful and active children.

The best thing about it was they were able to spend lots of time with their children, as a family. Men, as Fathers also commented in the group.

I took the plunge 2004; and permanently made the decision 2009, to be an At Home Mom -that was a mutual decision. So as Stay at home parents, we have taken on the challenge to educate our children as Learning coaches and provide them the essentials they deserve to thrive as children.

We are not perfect, this is a learning process and very different from either of our upbringing. See, we both went to traditional school settings, both had first shift working parents, and never got to spend enough one on one time with our parents.

Spending time Growing up

As babies we can spend all day with little ones, then as toddlers get older and becone school age, time spent one on one is lessened to 1-3 hours a day.

Obviously, single parents with 1 child is an exception to this spending time recommendation, as they are together more often.

Always allow children and parents to pick the activity within reason when spending one on one time. It allows them to use their imagination and helps them make better decisions.

Everyone learns to remain flexible when time spent must be cut short or extended. Most of the time, extended time spent with Others is fun.

When children become Adults, they make their own lives and we can only hope they will do the same and spend time with us regularly, at least an hour a week.

Make sure to spend time with Parents one on one when deemed necessary.

Children must also spend one on one time with Grandparents for ancestral roots, to learn the family history and to develop a relationship with those that came before them.

So we spoil our children while teaching morals for proper human development; and spend time with our parents when they see fit, as long as we have no other pertinent obligations.

Since we do not work traditional hours we are able to balance the schedule and see everyone when needed.

I know you say what could be more important than family? Remember that vicious cycle and tangled web I mentioned earlier, that makes it so we sometimes have to spend time on a business matter that keeps us from our family and friend.

Evdiently, we have other responsibilities other than home that require our attention, we must make money and pay bills, which parents understand more than children do.

So sometimes we have to tell our children, friends and parents NO, so we can get some Us time or self time. Stay at home Parents have to take time for each other and themselves individually during the day.

In conclusion, children and parents must be spoiled with your time while friends/ associates receive time when deemed necessary, and personal and spousal time as planned.

There is an old saying that goes "Children that are born with their great-grandparents are very fortunate"; Many agree their bond is necessary for proper human development.

Hope this post helps someone rethink the most precious gift of life, Life of another and the time we spend together.

Thank you for reading, please leave a comment. What do you do for fun with children and parents?

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Recent Comments


Hi Lakesha
Very nice post. I don't have any children of my own, but I grew up in a two parent household. When my sister and I did something wrong, my dad would tell me to get his Marine Corps Belt. He proceeded to spank the crap out of both of us. Today, someone would report that to the police, or child services. As I got older, I got more attention from my dad and mother.

I enjoyed both sets of grandparents. Especially my mom's father. Maybe I should write a blog about how to train your child to always obey you because he knew how make a child obey and respect him. Something that I think is missing in today's society.


Please do. I would be looking out for that post. Lol Thank you for reading.

Beautiful post Lakesha!
I was a single mom of one child and now that he’s nearing 40 we say we grew up together!
We were also close to my parents and grandparents...the good old days before we got spread out all over the country due to job transfers, etc.
Our children are young and need us for such a short time we must be there for them as much as possible.
Thanks for sharing.

Exaclty, thank you for reading.

I totally agree with your post. Children today for the most part are starved for the attention and time they desire from their parents.
Grow up with your children, enjoy doing the things they like, and at the same time directing them in the right direction. To be a stay at home mom is highly regarded in my eyes.
Thanks for sharing your words of wisdom.

A great post! I cherish the time with our grandchildren, they are growing up too fast ! Keep up the good work!

Thanks for sharing this. My daughter and I will ride bikes together, play ball, or even as a guy...I’ll sit on the floor with her while she plays with her Barbies. There are a few things we share together. I’ll take her out for ice cream on occasion, so I understand the time factor. Especially since I work many hours outside the home.

Time spent with our children while they are growing up is so very important. Thanks for this post. 😀

Thanks for the sharing. The fun we had was going camping, traveling having those sensational BBQ's and just being a part of the greatest group of people that ever existed. Once upon a time.

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