Introducing Niche How to find it?


Everything boils down to Niche. Your whole business stems from Niche. The first thing that you have to decide when starting a business is, Niche. And this is frustrating for a starter, so allow me to share what I understand. And its not a rocket science

A Niche is a small group of people sharing something common.

So, think of this seemingly confusing word, Niche as a group of people. Therefore, people playing online games is a niche, people doing Chemical Engineering is a niche, People looking for herbal medicines is a niche, People looking for tourism in Dubai is a niche. People blogging like me, is also a niche.

What you do in Affiliate Marketing, or any Marketing, is you choose a specific audience who is interested in a specific topic, and connect with them through your words, website posts and articles and build trust with them which will eventually help you build a very successful promotional channel.

So how do you determine what that specific group of people you want to target i.e Your Niche?

Close your eyes, shut down all distractions around and let your mind focus. Think about what is it that interests you, something that you can literally talk to someone Non-stop. Maybe it is traveling, maybe sports, maybe games, maybe books, you know, I don’t know. Make a list of all of them that you are passionate about, all of the things that you were interested always, you won’t feel bored doing, you will be able to write about it, you will like researching, reading and knowing more about it, the niche has many angles which you can approach from. We all are passionate about something, but we might not even know, we have to discover it. Maybe asking a very close friend can help, many a times people close to us see something in us that we don’t see. Maybe analyzing what you do when in your free time might help.

Relax, having a passion is always good but it isn’t compulsory. You can still make a business out of anything which isn’t your hobby or a passion, but just some interest. One of the benefits of Affiliate Marketing is that, you don’t have to be an expert in a particular niche to start it, although it might save you time if you are.


Now you have to shortlist it in two ways. Firstly, Is your niche profitable?That’s important. We are here to make money, so if it is something you are passionate about but it has no profitability, then it won’t serve your purpose. You have to find out what products are there related to this niche in the Affiliate Market that you can promote (check the products from Amazon, ClickBank, eBay etc, Log on to these websites and check the Product Category), how easily you can attract people, are the products really worth it and provides value, how is the competition etc. A moderate competition is good, it means there is money in it, that’s why people are competing. If others can make money, you can too.

Secondly, you have to what I say, grind it down. You have to narrow your niche down to something more specific. Lets say what you love is Pets. Now Pets is a huge Mass Market. You cannot handle the whole Pets Market. Trim it down, lets say cats. Cats is also very wide. It contains many niches inside such as Cat Nutrition, Cat training, Cat health, cat toys, how to train cats not to poop in your carpet. Choose one of them. Take a small segment. Maybe what you love to is books, narrow it down to a specific genre of books, be it traveling, leisure, fantasy, classic, Non-fiction related to Entrepreneurship, Non-fiction related to Global Politics, related to Economics, Designer Book Shelves, how to take care of your books etc. Remember Your audience is the 2 Billion people who use Internet and you just need a tiny fraction of them. There are always people interested in the specific niche. Narrow down a niche and be an expert in it. Whenever someone searches about that specific thing, Let your website pop up. Many a times what people do is, they start broad and then narrow. Do opposite, narrow down and then start diversifying after some time so you grow up and stay connected with your audience.

Taken from

Passion and Profitability both are equally important when you decide your niche. There is a misconception that for a business online, you just need 2-3 articles in a website and money will flow overnight. That’s bulls**t. You have to develop continuous contents about that niche related topic for a long period of time to rank high in Google and attract visitors. If you don’t have passion/interest/meaning and you only care the money factor, you wont be able to stick on to it for a long term. Find a niche, and discuss with a professional and take his words.

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Good article! have seen your website too.. great going!

Thank You!

The only thing I would add is a niche is a corner of the market..that means if the market is furniture, a niche of that market would be chairs.....

Thank you for your addition :)

Thanks :)

You're Welcome

Thank you so much, will check it out!

You're Welcome

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