Your Roadmap to Online Business Success: It's Not Just About the Money!

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Progressing in your online business journey is an exhilarating experience! 🚀

But if there's one thing I'd like you to remember in the beginning, it's this:

It's not all about the money. It's about the journey, the continuous learning, and the immense value you bring to your audience.

To help you navigate this exciting path, I've crafted a quick roadmap for you:

1. Build a Website

Your website is more than just a digital space; it's your digital storefront. Make sure it's welcoming, reflective of your brand, and user-friendly.

2. Get Indexed on Google

Think of this as your grand opening. Being recognized by search engines is akin to opening your store's doors to the world.

You can track it on Google Search Console.

Hint: Follow the training, and you'll learn all about it. :)

If you haven't yet started, Click here to start your online entrepreneurship training.

3. Get Impressions

Celebrate those early milestones! Whether it's your first 1,000 or 5,000 impressions, it's a clear sign that people are starting to notice.

For example, in this phase, you might aim for the following milestones on Search Console:

  • Reach 1,000 monthly impressions
  • Hit 5,000 monthly impressions
  • Achieve 15,000 monthly impressions
  • Surpass 35,000 monthly impressions
  • and so on.

4. Get Traffic

Your first 100 visitors are just the beginning. Aim for 500 next, and keep that momentum going. Each visitor represents a potential customer or a new member of your community.

Here are some milestones to aim for in Analytics:

  • Start with 100 monthly visitors
  • Progress to 500 monthly visitors
  • Reach 2,000 monthly visitors
  • Aim for 8,000 monthly visitors
  • and the journey continues.

5. Get Email Subscribers

This is where you start building your tribe.

Your email subscribers are your loyal customers, your biggest fans, and the heart of your online community.

6. Earn Money

There's a special thrill when that first dollar rolls in.

And as you continue to provide value, reaching milestones like $100, then $1,000, and even $3,000 in passive income becomes a testament to your dedication and hard work.

7. Scale and Optimize

As your business grows, so should your strategies. Refine, optimize, and aim higher. It's all about making a more significant impact and reaching new heights.

Your business is an ongoing journey.

Keep your spirits high and focus on adding value at every turn. Enjoy the process, celebrate every milestone, and remember: you're on a fantastic journey.

Leverage the power of this community, and don't hesitate to seek assistance. Remember, there's no need to stay stuck; help is always there!

Last words: If you believe this can benefit someone you know, please pass it along. Sharing is caring!



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Recent Comments


Totally…thanks for sharing.

Glad you like it. Thanks for dropping by, Susan.

Always make sure to help the customer and give them what they need! The money will come later!


Absolutely, Jeff! Value always comes first. Thanks for your comment.

You're very welcome, Ash!


Sounds like an excellent plan, thank you for your input Ash :)

Thank you for the feedback :)

Most welcome :)

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