Success Tips I Learned From A Robin

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Success Tips I Learned From A Robin

I feel I bonded with a Robin last year when it was born in my Rhododendron Bush. I watched it and two siblings grow. One day it started making so much noise I had to go see. It was jumping from branch to branch excited to be free of the nest. Up it flew onto the carport roof and hopped back and forth singing its heart out. Discovering something new is thrilling isn’t it? She was just Joy to behold. For some time she ran along the edge of the roof. With a jump off she went into the tree and I could tell from her voice it was worth stepping out of her comfort zone. I feel she did not fly far and still watches me work every day in my workshop.

This Spring my new neighbour took out a tall fifty year old hedge that hid our houses from each other. I was sad for the loss of the trees and especially for the habitat of so many birds that we enjoy every day. Days later a Robin began a nest in my carport and I did not protest because of the housing shortage.

Over the next weeks the Robin began building a nest in the rafters. There are several rafters to choose from and the bird didn’t always land in the same space all the time. None the less, undeterred the bird brought grass and branches and whatever is building material. Over the course of the weeks nests began to grow in eight of the rafter spaces. Some a few branches and others looking complete. At first I thought it must be several birds but I realized it is one bird relentlessly building a nest in the same area. When I peeked with my camera I saw two blue eggs. An exciting day.

The Robin I thought was not too smart taught me one of the best tips for success: If you don’t feel you are making progress, just go with your instinct and keep building. Keep growing, keep learning. Often we will see obstacles coming towards us and sometimes we will create our obstacles to success. Just know what your goal is, each day keep your goal as your instinct to succeed. Why we fail in life is because we give up. Can you imagine that Robin saying: I don’t think I will bother ?

The man next door is building a giant house to dwarf mine. He blocks my view of Mt. Baker. I have felt resentment but I had the thought to harvest the good out of the situation. What could I learn from my neighbour and my Robin to help me?

My new neighbour is excited about his project. He is there everyday paying attention to the process. He is devoted to the goal. He had a plan in his head, and then it went to paper and now his project is in the ground three stories tall. I am more determined to put my passion into my website education and spend as much time each day imagining my revenue generating project a reality as he does his house. I will build until it is done as well. My goal : When my neighbours moves in, I will have an income from the internet.

In my relating of this story the idea that the bird was stupid came up. The stupid bird got the job done, and gave two eggs a home. Even stupid creatures can accomplish things that they are passionate about. A light bulb went off in my head. Wow. I ought to learn a lesson from that.

In my desire to become an internet entrepreneur I have felt stupid and helpless and in the wrong rafter but I’m here. I have built my nest at WealthyAffiliate.Com and two eggs are in it. If I just sit on them for a while and keep them warm I can’t help but succeed. It is Natural.

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Such an amazing.story thank you

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