A Compliment from a Stranger


I have been chatting to someone today about my plugin AP Schema, and in the latest email he said:

"There are several plugins on wordpress that lets you markup using schema but yours is one that works entirely bug free."

Can't ask for more than that.

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Hi Dean. Looking forward to learning a lot from you. Great looking sites. Keep up the good work!
~ Diane

Awesome! I am going to add it to a new site I am building Dean.

That's great, Dean. You are always so helpful.

That's great! Shame you can't use it as a testimonial! Did he give a reason why not?

That's great Dean - are you going to put that quote on your site - even if you put "J from USA" - so as not to embarrass them.

Unfortunately not, I did ask though.

Hi Dean
please bear with my ignorance, but what is your plugin exactly for?

It is based on one of Jays Wabinars, where you link Google plus to your site in order to potentially get star ratings in Google search results. The plugin basically adds a review box to posts/pages and when you link it to G+ it sorts the code out for you so that Google can add the stars. Its no guarantee though, Google is what Google is.

here is an example of what the stars look like in the SERP's (search engine results)...

Good for you Apina. I'm pleased that you're getting good feedback

Nope sure can't. I would even say that it is "Priceless". I will definitely be grabbing this plugin because I just saw something like this and thought it was a great way to create interaction. If all you have to do is click then you are more likely to do so and you now have a reason interact.

To true! and for those that haven't see my post , its time to make Dean blush some more ! https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/the-filbert/blog/wanted-wa-ers-to-pay-it-forward-to-a-friend

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