How to Choose a Niche - Easy Criteria
Choosing a niche can be a bit of a headache. Do you go after money spinners or follow your passion? In essence, making money from your passion is what you're going to be doing with your website.
Take a look at the following questions and points. After answering and pondering them, you should be able to pick a niche you love and provides you with a good income.
What Do I Know More About than Most People?
With your website, you want to provide people with valuable information, so pick an area you are knowledgeable on. If you do that it will more than likely center around one of your passions. If you love something, you'll also know a lot about it, more than most people, in fact. This puts you in the perfect position to become and online authority and create a profitable website.
Remember - You're Creating Yourself a Job
Running your website is going to be your job. Hence, choose a niche that you love talking and writing about. After all, you'll spend days, weeks, months, years creating valuable content. That's another reason why it's important to pick an area you love and know about.
Every Niche has Financial Opportunities
As you know from the WA training, there are several affiliate programs for every niche, so you needn't worry about that aspect of choosing a niche. What's more, if you write well and informatively about your niche, you will get traffic and can monetize that traffic.
Imagine Your Niche as Your 9 to 5
Before settling on a niche, ask yourself: Can I see myself working on this all day every day? Running a profitable website takes time and commitment - another reason why you need to choose something you love and know a lot about.
Give it some thought. I'm sure you'll soon have your chosen niche. Let me know how you picked your niche and how you're getting on
Recent Comments
I have just gone through this dilemma and I wish I had your article at hand to help me.
Fortunately I found my niche and I will earn money from it in the future. But with the benefit of hindsight I would go for the affiliate bootcamp first now as I think that will earn money quicker and will allow me to enjoy my niche more.
Great article, I shall have found My Niche after answer each question thanks